02. Dancing Lights

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SPRITE'S STORY WAS BRIGHT, fantastical, and entirely made up. Knowing this, Artemis still found herself immersed in the fictional world she was building, watching her projected illusions with just as much awe as the humans. From beside her, Sersi leaned in. "Amazing, isn't it?" She whispered.

"Yes..." Artemis breathed, nodding. The epic of Gilgamesh and his best friend Enkidu danced across the ceiling as Sprite verbally told the tale. And when she finished, she ended it in a wondrous display of golden fireworks. The people of Babylon clapped and cheered for Sprite as she soaked up their applause. "It always amazes me how she comes up with this stuff." Artemis chuckled.

Sersi nodded in agreement. "Me too. I can't wait to see the story she makes up for us," She nudged Artemis playfully.

"That would be quite the show," She laughed, softly shaking her head. And soon music had started to play and a dance circle had begun, with Kingo in the middle of it, of course. Artemis watched alongside Sersi in amusement. "Should we join them?" She looked to the woman in green.

A bright smile crossed Sersi's face. "I thought you'd never ask," She giggled and took Artemis's hand, pulling the two of them onto the dancefloor.

Artemis threw her head back in laughter as Sersi spun her around. "You're quite the dancer!" She chuckled as she faced Sersi once again. "Who's your teacher?"

Sersi did a little shimmy. "Would you believe I'm self-taught?"

Artemis place a dramatic hand over her heart and gasped. "No! Really?" She joked. "I would've never guessed!"

"You're too kind!" Sersi laughed as this time Artemis spun her around. They had gained the attention of a few of the humans and they eyed them amusingly as they too began dancing like the sisterly Eternals.

The women could not see, but they could equally feel the eyes of two very special people on them as they joined in dancing with the humans. And as the dancing slowed, they took the time to talk. "I see Ikaris has taken a liking to you..." Artemis's eyes flickered to the man in blue up above as he spoke to Ajak, looking back at Sersi just in time to see a rose pink blush paint her cheeks.

"I don't know what you mean," She chuckled, shaking her head. "Have you and Druig made it official yet? He can't seem to take his eyes off of you."

"Changing the subject, I see," Artemis scoffed playfully.

Sersi shrugged. "And what if I am? Your relationship with Druig is far more interesting than Ikaris and I."

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