Wonderland [Dream/George]

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:) so this is a party fic type of thing? Its a collage au, and basically theres a party everyone's attending. So ye- I was listening to Wonderland and thought of this fic idea, and haven't been able to stop. By the way, one last thing : Dream and George first meet here ^^

Also, they were the first people I could think of that would be comfortable with this :,]


Dream sighed in annoyance, getting dragged into a huge party by his best friend, Sapnap. He wasn't going to go, he'd rather stay home and play games, but Sapnap said 'Bro that shit's boring, you gotta live and get frisky~!' .. and thats quoted directly.

Then his dorm door was kicked open, he was forced to change, and he was dragged.

The second they got in the door, music blasted in their ears with lights almost blinding them.

"WOAHH! DREAM LOOK AT THIS SHIT!" Sapnap yelled, having to in order to be heard over the music. They went further into the party and Sapnap waved over to a few of his friends.

"Hey!" Was collectively said from the few others.

"Guys, this is Dream, Dream, this is Karl, Quackity, Eret, and Jack!"

"Ah, so youre the infamous famous friend?" Jack spoke, and gave a wave and a smile.

"Yeah, I could say the same to all of you!" Dream chuckled, and looked over, seeing a couple of his own friends. He saw Wilbur, Techno, Niki, Alyssa, and Ponk all talking in a circle.

Its almost ironic, that 2 boys with completely different friends, are as close as close can be. Sapnap and Dream were an iconic frendship duo that almost the entire collage knew about.


"We're grabbing drinks, you coming?" Quackity asked, and Sapnap nodded. Dream took a deep breath and nodded too. If he was going to be stuck at a party for the next few hours, might as well try and forget it tomorrow.

They went over to the kitchen counters, where there were lines of alcohol and red solo cups. The small group all grabbed a cup and started pouring, making mixed drinks. Dream made a mix of cherry pepsi and a black cherry vodka. They all went out into the party area, and started slightly splitting off.

Sapnap looked a Dream for a minute.

"Hey, go make yourself comfy, we'll be here for a while, and dont rush into someth- SAM DONT CLIMB ON THE CHANDLER- HAHA!!" Sapnap yelled and ran off, leaving Dream to stand there for a minute. Damn it Sapnap.

He huffed out, and walked over to a less crowded area. He drank a little of his mix drink, trying not to cough. He wasnt much of a drinker, and was a lightweight, so he didnt want to fuck himself over too much.

He leaned against the wall, and looked up from the ground for a moment. Tons of strangers slightly watching him, and loud drunken conversations. Dream looked to his left, and saw a small group sitting in a circle, playing spin the bottle. He reconized some people in the circle, like Puffy, Schlatt, Minx, and even Boomer. But the others he didnt know.

He saw a brunette that caught his attention, though. He had heterochromia, one brown, and one blue. That was so pretty, Dream had to admit. The boy's smile was gorgeous, and so was his style if he was being honest.

The male wore black jeans that had rips at the knees, and black vans that had a dark blue streak on the back. Then his top was a baby blue hoodie with '404' in a white and red box on the chest.

He looked away when he was done examining the attractive male, and he pulled out his phone, taking another drink. He scrolled for a while, then felt a pair of eyes staring. Before he looked up, he smiled and slightly laughed at a post online, before looking up, and flashing his eyes to meet the other person. Turns out it was the brunette.

Both boys were smiling, no longer at the previous reasons but at each other. The brunette got up after mentioning something to his friends about being right back. He walked over to Dream and his cheeks were a bit red.


"Hey.." Dream put his phone back in his pocket as he spoke.

"I'm George, you?"

"Dream. You okay?"

"Oh, yeah, Im good. I was hoping youd come play with us." George said and gestured back to the circle. Dream softly smiled and looked back into the others eyes. Then he smirked teasingly, almost.

"I mean, I would told not to just hop in to shit." He said, slightly chuckling at the end. George wore a determind smile and gently grabbed Dream's empty hand.


They smiled at each other as George led the taller to the circle. They sat down and Dream took another drink. People in the circle were taking turnes. Dream was clearly a bit on edge since he was a new one in the group. George noticed, and gave a smile to the green eyed male next to him.

George and Dream were practically in their own little world talking with each other. Over time, theyve gotten a bit closer, their legs practically leaning against each other as they stared into the other's eyes.

They were taken out of their moment by some guy hitting Georges arm lightly and saying to spin.

"Alright, alright, calm down Skeppy." George chuckled and reached forward, grasping the empty alcohol bottle and giving it a spin. To their luck, the bottle landed on the blonde. Dream finished his drink, feeling the tinest bit lightheaded, as they both stood.

"Dont rush it George~" Skeppy taunted.

George walked over and led Dream to where the closet was. When they were in with the door closed, they just looked at each other for a minute.

"You want to?" George asked, waiting for any sort of consent. Dream, being the leo he is, grabbed George's hips and pulled him in close, smirking the same taunting smirk from before.

"Didn't they tell us 'don't rush into things?'"

"Didn't you flash your green eyes at me?" George responded, his hand reaching up and holding Dream's cheek, slightly pulling his face closer.

"Didn't you calm my fears with that Cheshire cat smile~?" Dream spoke, and leaned in. George did as well and they kissed, it being passionate and gentle.

It turned into a french make out, and they could taste each others alcohol, the flavors clashing in the others mouths.

"Doesnt this seem all new and exciting~?" George giggled, as his arms went and wrapped around Dreams waist, keeping them close together.

"I felt your amrs twisting around me." Dream spoke, and pulled him in for another kiss. George was smiling in the kiss, as they continued for a while.

"Y'know, its all fun in games till someone loses their mind." George said, pulling into another deep kiss. Dream picked the other up and held him against the closet wall, making out with drunken passion.

The closet seemed to echo with the breathy pants they each had during the make out session.

They both seemed desperate, but honestly who knows what its from. It could be the alcohol, could be the attraction, or just the situation as a whole. Dream could feel smaller hands slightly roam his chest as they continued what they were doing in the darkened closet.

Thank the gods he allowed Sapnap to drag him to a stupid collage party.


1260 words


Anyway, im working on the next chapter of LIEUIN, so ye ^^

Dont forget to comment please >:( Ill give you my face literally please comment

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