Chapter 8 - The Oreo

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Cross's POV

I was behind the couch in the living room. Just silently watching. I could sense something from Horror. He looked sad. Well, sadder than usual. But may I remind you, I'm not a caring person so I didn't go to ask him. I went to the kitchen to grab a bar of chocolate...

"What?" Error said, staring at me. He was eating chocolate. My chocolate. I don't care if he is the destroyer of worlds, au's even. No one touches my chocolate. I continue to stare at him, in an attempt to annoy him. He just shrugged and left through a portal.

How rude. I thought while walking back to the living room. "Hey, uh. Is Error a part of" I asked awkwardly. "Yeah, kinda. It's more of a truce than him being in the team, to be honest. Doesn't really attack us nor does he protect us. Just goes here to heal up or rest." Dust replied, somewhat politely. "Why? Lost your chocolate, did you?" Killer teased.

"Uh, yeah. I did lose my chocolate." I said, pouting because of the fact that I lost my chocolate. I could've just bought another one, but...I can't teleport. The others chuckled and went back to watching Undernovela- Error just went and teleported on the couch. How rude!

I pouted as I walked away to the garden. What the? This place reeks of human flesh! There are ven splotches of blood in here! I see a small-ish piece of paper on the ground. It looks like...a spider on a cobweb? I don't know. It's almost Halloween so I decided to hang it onto the wall with a small knife that I summoned. 

"What the hell are ya doin'?" Horror asked in annoyance. "Nothing." He scoffs as I walk away.

Horror's POV

"Uh, hey Nightmare?" I called out for him. "Yes?" He answered. "Uh, Criss Cross kinda ruined you spider paper..thing." I point at the wall where Cross pinned the paper to. "Oh. It's okay." He reassures me. I nodded as I walk away to the portal room. I guess Criss Cross doesn't know that there's a portal room.

I sigh as I go to the door of my brother. 











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