She was keen on seeing more, but after a while, Luke called the duel to a stop. Both the Earl and Prince's fight was a draw.

"Huh, why'd he stop them?" Piper wondered.

Annabeth looked around. All the other duels had stopped, and practically everyone had stopped to watch the duel.

"Practice is over," Luke called.

That was probably a good idea. Percy and Jason were evenly matched, so the scales could easily tip in the other's favor. But there were dangerous political consequences should either win. The Atlantis Empire might consider it an insult or a declaration of war if Jason won over the Earl, but the Olympian Kingdom would deem it equally humiliating if their Crown Prince lost in battle to a foreign Earl.

Soon the crowds began clearing out, discussing the exciting fight of the day.

"You go on first," Annabeth said to Piper.

Piper grinned and waved her goodbye. Annabeth dawdled in the arena until all the soldiers and spectators drifted out of the training arena.

"Waiting for someone?" Percy grinned as he popped up behind her.

Annabeth felt herself being lifted up from her seat as he carried her in his arms bridal style. She had to laugh as he twirled her in circles.

"You're all sweaty," she complained. Still, she wrapped her arms around his neck and nestled herself in his arms. Sweat or not, there was a alluring scent about him. Seaside beaches, as though a fresh breeze had wafted the scent right off the shores.

"Are you sure you don't mind the sweat?" His adam's apple bobbed as she nuzzled his neck.

She could feel his grip on her tighten just a fraction. "Not at all," Annabeth purred like a satisfied cat who had found a new sleeping spot. It was truly comfortable as he carried her.

Percy's chest rumbled with laughter. "I don't think that it's fair that I'm all sweaty while my lady remains fresh and pure."

"Well, what would you suggest I do about it?" Annabeth whispered into his ear. Gods, if anyone had seen them, the scandal! Besides, she loved seeing him get flustered.

Percy set her on the ground gently. He stalked away a couple of steps before tossing her a sword. "I heard some rumors here and there about your fighting skills. If I'm going to be sweaty, so should you."

Her lips curled up. Well. That was one way to get hot and sweaty.


Annabeth returned to the arena with her helmet tucked under her arm, now dressed in pants and armor more suitable for sword fighting. Years ago, it had taken her weeks of pestering Luke to let her take lessons under his tutelage and to store an outfit in the knights' quarters.

Percy raised an eyebrow at her outfit. "Nice armor," he commented on the chest piece.

"Same to you," she appreciated. The Atlantis Empire truly had a beautiful design, with a trident engraved in the bronze and leather armor. "Don't go easy on me now," Annabeth warned.

He chuckled. "Of course not, I'd doubt you would go easy on me. I've heard what you can do from Luke and Jason."

Indeed, the last time a lord had mansplained how to hold a sword, despite the fact that the lord had never held a sword in his life while she had been practicing since the age of seven. She had no qualms of sending the lord packing back to his castle with his tail tucked between his legs. Rumor has it that the lord deliberately declined all marriage offers from blondes after that.

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