I mean, I had a diamond ring, but it sure would be too much to explain the real situation. And it's okay that Holly didn't know Steve, but she could tell Hill and then I'd be chipped.

Hill was the most gossip person on the face of the earth. And surely Steve wouldn't like it at all if our little arrangement leaked through the hallways of the company.

God forbid!

And I'm still not sure what to wear when the doorbell rings and I run to open the door, bumping into a delivery boy.

"Natasha Romanoff?"

- Yes it's me.

— Delivery for the lady. Sign here, please.

I sign the receipt and take the package he offers me, closing the door a little suspiciously.

Who the hell sent me that?

What if it was a bomb? Did the terrorists act like that now?

Maybe I should call the bomb squad. And put on makeup, in case any TV network appears.

As I turn the package over, my eyes widen as I recognize the Valentino brand logo.

- What a…

Impatiently, I open the package and a beautiful black winter dress appears before my dumbfounded eyes.

And there's still a note at the bottom of the bag.

“I hope it makes up for the loss of your other dress. S.R."

- Holy crap!

I can not believe. Steve sent me a dress?

And it wasn't even his fault that Erin's dress was ruined!

“Why are you complaining? At least now you have something nice to wear for dinner.” my conscience nudges me.

I run to get ready, matching the dress with thick black socks, a tall boot, and a fur coat I stole from Holly's closet.

Holly was a filthy rich heiress who had moved to London to pursue a singing career while living off her parents' allowances, a couple of old ladies who lived in Edinburgh.

She wouldn't even miss it, just don't spill anything suspicious on him until he gave it back.

I still pack a small suitcase with a change of clothes for tomorrow, and I feel butterflies in my stomach again as I remember that I was going to spend the night with Steve. Dammit, he's gonna do his partof our agreement and just thinking about it, I feel every cell in my body vibrating in anticipation.

I look at my image in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance, and startle when I hear the doorbell. I run to open the door and Steve is there, staring at me, in all his perfection.

I take my breath for a moment, forgetting how to breathe.

Hell, had he gotten better looking or was it just me?

"Ready?" he asks, a little impatient with my stunned silence.

“I've never been so ready in my life,” I mutter, and I'm not even sure he heard, as I grab my coat and close the door, following him to the stairs.

We get into the car and Steve is silent, lost in his own thoughts. He's a different Steve than he was today, before our discussion. I don't feel that he's emanating anger toward me, but I don't understand his guarded silence either.

I bite my lip, suddenly shy.

- And your family? I ask to break the tense silence.

"They're already on their way to The Ivy."

An Unexpected EngagementWhere stories live. Discover now