law x reader: accident

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The hospital was flowing with injured patients. Due to the heavy rain and thunder, a bus carrying a lot of people got into an accident. Since the hospital you work in was nearby, the patients started coming in one by one, without stopping.

"Doctor Y/n, we have a TBI patient. They also seem to show signs of spinal cord paralysis!". One of your assistant nurses yelled, rushing towards you. Panicking, you handed over the equipment you were working on with the current patient and took your stethoscope.

"Where's Trafalgar?". You asked, looking around for your husband of three years.

"I haven't seen him on the way, but I heard that he was occupied by other patients".

Removing your coat, you wiped off your sweat, rushing towards patients and checking their vitals and injuries. You just wanted to rest for a minute or even a second, but the screams and cries were not letting you to. 

"Miss Y/n?". You heard a voice say, Looking down, it was a little child whom you met a while ago. Getting down on your knees, you forced a smile, wiping away her tears.

"Your mother will be okay. Believe me". Nodding, you handed her a lollipop from your coat pockets, before rushing towards other rooms that held emergency cases.

"Y/n". Law spoke. He was pretty much a mess himself, finishing up his work on a patient.

"Law...I was looking for you". Law removed the stethoscope from his neck and kissed your forehead for a long while. 

"Take a break. I'll handle as much as I can". He said.

"It's alright. Besides a lot more patients are coming, I cannot just sit here".

"You are overworking yourself".

"I'm alright, Law. I can't just relax at the moment". You hugged your husband and left the premises. A commotion was being heard outside near the entrance. It did not sound like the regular noises when there was a family of patients incoming. It sounded like they were fighting. Rushing towards the area, you noticed a man taking the lead over with a box cutter. The young nurses looked paranoid as they stood far, and the man was not letting anyone advance.

"Treat my wife first! I'll not let any of you pass this area until she wakes up!". He yelled, waving the cutter around.

"But sir, we have already tried our best! We can only wait for her to wake up".  A nurse talked back, trying to get him to his senses.

"I don't want to hear that! No one else gets treated until my wife wakes up. Now, go treat her!". He screamed. He was in pain and you knew it. But this was not the time for him to block the path with violent means.

"Excuse me, sir". You said, coming a little closer to the man.

"What the hell do you want? Oh, a doctor. Save my wife. Save her now!". He pointed at the glass window of the door. You sighed and tried to negotiate with the man.

"Sir we have done whatever we can. It takes time. By now a lot of people can get treated...please un-".

"DON'T GIVE ME ANY OF THAT BULLSHIT!". The man yelled, losing his mind. You had to calm him down unless that box cutter brought more patients than you could handle. 

Law finished up his work and came out to view the commotion. He noticed you standing a few feet away from his vision, talking to someone. Coming closer to the entrance, he saw the nurses being concerned over you, as you were close to danger. Law widened his eye as his gaze landed upon the box cutter. He walked through the crowd, trying to take over before you got into any sort of damage.

"Sir, how about we calm down-". You said, trying to calm the man down. Before you could finish your sentence, the blade came rushing towards you and landed a cut towards the side of the neck. The crowd screamed as you held your wound with your hands, getting blood all over.

"Y/N!". Law yelled, rushing towards your side. The crowd made way for your husband, as he stretched his arms to catch you from falling. Blood was oozing out from the cut, and it seemed pretty deep.

"I-I can't breathe-". You tried to speak, to your husband who was frantically panicking, holding you. The man quickly backed off, as Law stood up, straight up punching him in the face. The other doctors soon came rushing, putting it to a stop.

"Trafalgar! Take her to emergency now!".  Law hesitantly backed off, fury written all over his face. He picked you up and rushed to the emergency room.

"IT'S AN ENT EMERGENCY". Law yelled, pushing open the ward door with his shoulders. Placing you on the hospital bed, he allowed the specialized doctors to do their jobs. Tears welled up in his eyes, as he watched them trying to stop the excessive hemorrhage. 

He stood there all the time, watching your unconscious body as the doctors tried their best to get you back. Distress and worry were written all over him, as he could not help but panic and sit still.

"Thankfully we could stop the bleeding on time. It has slightly affected the windpipe so we have done a temporary tracheostomy for the time being. She will be alright, Trafalgar". The doctors patted his shoulders and left the room for the two of you.

Law rushed towards your side, taking your hands in his. He wiped away the tears, as he slowly caressed your hair.

"You don't analyze situations Y/n...always making me worried". He whispered. Kissing you on the cheek, Law heard a small knock on the door. Getting up, he opened the doors to find a little girl standing outside with a lollipop.

"Will Miss Y/n be alright?". She asked, looking at the man. Law smiled and nodded.

"Miss Y/n is a strong woman isn't she? She will wake up in no time". The girl smiled and nodded, before rushing towards your side and placing another hard candy in your palm. Law grinned and her little act, leaning on the door.

"When I become big, I want to be as pretty and hardworking as Miss Y/n!". The girl said, making Law extremely glad.

He looked over at you, beaming to himself that he got himself a wonderful person to be together with.


*TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury

*ENT Emergency - Ears, Nose, and Throat Emergency

*Hemorrhage - Blood Loss.

*Tracheostomy - A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the neck to insert a tube into a person's windpipe.

( i did not want this to be educational  😭 )

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