Chapter 8

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Gene was fake crying in the principals office. The principal was reading the book.

"I found it in boys bathroom." Gene said. "It's so mean."

"Good lord, what's this say Amy Winehouse is a..." The principal said.

"Needy whore." Gene said.

The principal looked up and Gene continued fake crying.

"It's ok calm down Mr.Simmons." The principal said.

"Why would someone write that it's just so mean." Gene said.

"Don't worry we're gonna find out who did this." The Principal said.

"There's only three boys in the whole school who aren't in it." Gene said.

The principal called Eric Singer,Paul and Tommy to his office. As Tommy was about to walk in Gene gave him a look saying 'you'll regret what you did.'

"Have a seat Mr.Thayer." The Principal said.

He showed the book and asked "Have you seen this book before?"

"No I mean yes I seen it before but it's not mine." Tommy said.

"You better get your story straight Mr.Thayer cause I'm not playing games." The principal said.

"I told you it's not ours it's Gene's. He's trying to make it seem like we wrote but really he wrote it." Paul said.

"Mr.Stanley why would Gene refer to himself as a fugly slut?" The principal said.

Eric started to laugh a little.

"Mr. Singer this is no time to be laughing. We're getting to the bottom of this once and for all." The principal said angrily.

Gene started hanging copies of the pages of the burn book and toss some in the air.

"Maybe we're not in that book because everybody likes us. I mean I don't wanna be punished for being liked." Paul said.

Everyone got out of class and saw the papers. Everyone was questioning.

Left eye saw one of herself and said "Made out with a picture of Tupac? Oh come on that was one time."

"Jermaine Jackson has a tire for hair? Who would write that?" Jermaine asked.

"Who wouldn't write that?" Randy Jackson asked almost laughing.

Then Jermaine started fighting his brother.

Now everyone was fighting each other.

"Anything else you wanna say? Mr Singer?" The principal asked.

"Who ever wrote probably thought that no one will ever see it." Eric said.

"I hope no one else does see it." The principal said.

Gene stood on top of the stairs watching as the school fought which satisfied him.

"Mother can you pick me up. I'm scared." Michael Jackson said as he was on the phone.

"Peter Criss, a sad attention seeker?" Ace read.

"Oh well that's orginal." Peter said sarcastically.

"To drunk to function?!" Ace read.

"Hey that's only okay if I say it." Peter said.

"Did you write this?" Prince asked.

"No I swear." T-Boz said.

"Then you told somebody." Freddie Mercury said.

"He told." Elvis Presley said.

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