Chapter 6

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"There these weird nutrition bars I use to help lose weight." Tommy said.

"Gimme." Gene said.

Gene took a bite and looked at the label.

"It's all in like Japanese or something." Gene said.

"Yeah but trust me I translated all of it. It burns carbs and it's so worth it." Tommy said.

"I really wanna lose three pounds." Gene said.

"But you're skinny." Eric said confused.

"Shut up." Gene said.

It's weird hanging out with Gene. I can hate him but I still wanted him to like him. Like Paul he rather stay in the plastics and try to win Gene back. He rathered be miserable then not be in it at all.

The plastics were dolling up Tommy to have him look liking them. Like doing his hair, painting his nails black and giving him accessories.

Being with the plastics even though I was becoming famous. I got more famous and everyone knew stuff about me.

"That new boy is cute." Aaliyah said.

"I saw Tommy Thayer wearing ripped jeans and converses so I bought them so we can match." Michael Jackson said.

"That Tommy boy is hot he might even be hotter than Gene Simmons." Amy Winehouse said.

"I heard Tommy is single so I'm gonna try and get him to like me." Janet Jackson said. "But don't tell my brothers."

Tommy saw Gene and Shannon as they were walking in the hallway he fell in a trash can and screamed.

I was a man possesed. I spend most of my time talking about Gene and the other times I was praying for someone to bring him up so I can talk about him more.

"He's not that good looking if you really look at him." Tommy said as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"I kinda agree now he's getting fatter. I don't know why a playboy model like Shannon is still with him." Peter said.

I can hear people get bored with me but I couldn't stop it just came up like word vomit.

"Hey Tommy. I having a listening session so you should take a break from your double life and come see it." Peter said.

"Will do." Tommy said.

Peter sniffed and asked "The fuck is that smell?"

"Oh Gene gave me some cologne." Tommy said.

"You smell like a baby prostitute." Peter said.

"Thanks?" Tommy said confused.

Peter got air freshener and sprayed it everywhere.

The next day, Eric Carr showed up to Tommy's place to show Tommy,Peter and Ace something.

"Guys guess what I filmed." Eric C said as he held the camera.

It was footage of Gene making out with a groupie. The next day, Tommy went up to Shannon and showed her the footage she screamed and cried.

"Where are all his groupies at?!" Shannon asked angry.

"At this address." Tommy said as he wrote down the address.

Just like that Gene's girlfriend and groupies were gone. Peter crossed that off the list.

Gene was crying as he held Paul and Eric's hand.

"Did she say why?" Eric asked.

"Someone told her about the groupies." Gene said.

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