Chapter 7

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It was lunchtime, Paul and Eric came upto the table.

"Gene we need to talk to you." Paul said.

"Is butter a carb?" Gene asked.

"Yes." Tommy said.

"Gene you're wearing casual clothes it's Monday." Paul said.

"So?" Gene asked annoyed.

"So that's against the rules and you can't sit with us." Eric said.

"Whatever those rules aren't real." Gene said.

"They were real that day I wore that shirt." Eric said getting mad.

"Cause that shirt was disgusting." Gene said.

"YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US!" Paul yelled.

Everyone went quiet after Paul yelled.

"These are all that fits me right now." Gene said.

Gene looked at Eric and Paul then Tommy.

"Fine you can walk home bitches." Gene said.

Gene bumped into Biggie smalls.

"Watch where you're going fat ass." Biggie said.

Everyone started laughing at Gene. Peter crossed the last thing off the list.

Paul and Eric followed me around all afternoon.

"So what are doing this weekend?" Paul asked.

"Yeah what are we doing?" Eric asked.

"Oh sorry I'm going visit my old bandmates." Tommy said.

Paul and Eric were confused.

"We have tickets for this thing." Tommy said.

Paul and Eric were still confused.

Was I the new queen bee?

"I can try and get out of it." Tommy said.

"Yeah." Paul and Eric said.

Tommy called his old bandmates saying sorry he can't make it and lied saying it was school stuff.

I learned how to control everyone around me and make them do what I want.

Tommy tapped on Eric C's shoulder.

"Hey I'm having a small get together at my place." Tommy said.

"Is Gene gonna be there?" Eric C asked.

"No you think I'm a idiot? No it's just gonna be me and a couple of cool people and you better be one them biotch." Tommy said.

"Fine I'll go." Eric C said kinda annoyed.

"Shut up. I love this outfit you're wearing." Tommy said.

This is my first ever famous people hangout I'm having everything had to be perfect. So I decided to wear my black leather jacket with my black ripped jeans and no shirt underneath.

"Hey guys." Tommy said.

Paul and Eric both gasped and said "You look awesome."

"I know right? Ok so bought enough cups and chips for eight people is that enough?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah." Paul and Eric said.

The doorbell rung, they all got excited.

It was not enough apparently the word got out about my small get together.

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