Chapter 14

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Everyone exited the room and I was left alone with Mon-El. He came closer to me and I took a step backwards.

M: Can we talk?

Me: About what?

M: About everything we did?

Me: What did I do?

M: Mxyzptlk fell in love with you.

I turned around, ready to leave, but he grabbed my arm in order to stop me. I turned to face him and gave him a death stare.

M: We have to talk...

Me: Why? You won't even take responsibility for your actions.

I pulled my arm free and left without giving him the chance to say another word. I returned home and took a shower in order to calm down. I thought about going to the botanical garden, but I'll think about him all the time there, so I decided to stay home. I went downstairs, to the living room and joined my parents who were watching a movie. My mom noticed that something was wrong, but realized that I didn't want to talk about it. A while later Clark came back. When the movie was over, our parents went to sleep and I was left alone with Clark.

C: Did you and Mon-El make up?

Me: Excuse me?

C: Are you deaf?

Me: Since when are you on Mon-El's side?

C: It's not the poor guy's fault; he's just gullible.

Me: Are you seriously on his side right now? –I said with a raised voice.

C: Calm down, they're sleeping.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and continued.

Me: He believed a total stranger and didn't even come to talk to me. When I tried to approach him, he just sent me away. He broke my heart; I can't just forgive him that easy. And I don't even know if I can.

C: You have to see things from his place too.

Me: Do you want me to take everything out on you? He also hurt me, while knowing how bad my past was. Why should I even try to understand him?

I left, without listening to anything else he had to say. I went to my room and tried to sleep. Not only am I mad, but I am hurt because of Mon-El and not even Clark gets me. The night passed and I didn't manage to sleep at all. In the morning, I got ready and headed to the D.E.O. When I entered the building, Kara came to me and asked to have a word.

K: Can we speak privately?

Me: Good morning, what happened?

I followed her to the training area and waited for her to start.

K: Isabelle, Mon-El is really hurt. You have to talk this out.

Me: Kara, are you serious right now?

K: Yes, he's sorry about what happened and he wants to make it up to you.

Me: He didn't even figure out that he caused everything.

K: He knows, you have to forgive him.

Me: I'll decide what to do with Mon-El on my own.

I said abruptly and left the room. Then, I thought about Nia mentioning something about my necklace and went to find her. Brainy told me that she was at her home, so I decided to pay her a visit. When I arrived, I saw her getting in her car and barely made it.

Me: Nia, I would like to ask you something.

N: I don't have the time now. My family needs me.

Me: I could help you, if you like.

N: Yes, sure.

I entered her car and we were on our way.

Me: What happened? Why are you in such a hurry?

N: My mom isn't very well.

Me: Do you know what's wrong with her?

N: No.

A couple of hours later, we reached a beautiful house in the countryside. We didn't exchange any words until we arrived. We got out of the car and knocked on the door. A minute later, a lady opened the door and Nia introduced us. It was her sister. We went inside and Nia headed straight to her mother's room. A while later she returned to the living room.

Me: What happened? Is she any better?

N: No, she's breathing heavily and won't wake up.

Me: How can I help?

N: Um... You could try to create a healing herb or plant in order to help her.

Me: I will try.

She guided me to her mother's room. I created a dust from all the healing plants that exist, but nothing worked.

Me: Unfortunately, I can't do anything to help her, but I think there's a reason for that.

N: What do you mean? What possible reason could there be?

Me: I don't know, but I have a feeling.

Then, Nia passed out. I went to her side and tried to wake her up. After a while, she woke up on her own and her sister told us that their mother was no longer breathing. They both started crying.

N: I was in her dream...

Me: And what happened?

N: She knew from the start that she was going to die... so that her powers would fully pass over to me... I didn't know that was going to happen... I don't want it...

Me: You can't do anything about it. Stay with your sister and be there for each other. I will help with the arrangements for the funeral.

Nia and her sister were mourning and I dealt with everything that was needed for the funeral. With my powers I created a few wreaths. Then I found my way back to the girls and I could hear Nia's sister yelling «... it's your fault that she's dead, you shouldn't have those powers, they should belong to me...», I didn't want to hear any more, so I just stopped her.

Me: Enough. She is your sister and you need each other. You shouldn't blame her. Even if you had the powers, your mother would still be dead. Respect her legacy.

She was about to answer, when a signal from the D.E.O. started beeping.

Me: I'll take that.

I pressed the button on my bracelet and Alex spoke to me.

A: You have to come back. Kara and Clark are missing. Come home now.

Me: I can't come straight away, I don't have my breaching device, and Nia just lost her mother.

N: You should go and save your brother.

Then Alex opened a portal and I went back.

A: Next time bring your breaching device everywhere.

Me: I forgot, I was way too pissed at someone.

I said and looked at Mon-El who just walked into the room.

Me: How did they go missing?

A: They left this morning for a mission and since then we have no trace of them.

When I Joined Team Super! (English Edition) -UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now