Chapter 4

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«I am Queen Rhea and we are from Daxam. We come in peace...» I couldn't hear anymore, all the things that had happened to me came in my mind. Then I noticed that Mon-El was shocked as well. When the queen stopped talking, I could finally breathe. Then Clark spoke pointing his finger towards Mon-El.

C: And he is her son.

I couldn't believe what I was listening, and I was flirting with him earlier. Why is Kara hanging out with him? Why didn't she tell me about this?

Me: Um, sorry, I have to go.

I said and left. I went to a botanical garden to walk among the plants and calm down. After a while, Kara came.

K: Why did you leave like that?

Me: Because you know my past and you didn't tell me anything about Mon-El.

K: It doesn't matter which planet he's from.

Me: How can you say that after what Daxam has done to Krypton?

K: How can you say that? Aren't you against racism?

Me: You have a point, but think about what I've been through because of them.

K: Mon-El has nothing to do with his parents' actions. And helping people in need has to mean something.

Me: Maybe I'll give him a chance.

A little later we went to the D.E.O. and everyone was saying that they are a threat. As we were walking closer, I heard Mon-El insisting that they are a threat. I agreed with him.

Hank: I will stay and monitor. The rest go home and get ready for a meeting first thing in the morning. We will discuss about our next move.

The next day, we all met at the D.E.O. Hank informed us that nothing happened at night.

Me: How can you monitor what's happening it the entire world?

Hank: My real name is J'onn J'onzz and I am a Green Martian.

Me: So many revelations since yesterday.

Kara stared me. The next hours we talked about tactics and about the perfect plan. I needed some fresh air and I went to the balcony. I was staring at the ships that were hiding the sun and then I realized someone else was in the balcony with me. I turned around and saw Mon-El.

Me: If you're out for the view, it's not so good at the moment. The sky is hidden from all these ships.

M: I don't care about the view up there, but the one next to me, which is amazing.

I rolled my eyes and tried not to giggle.

M: If I'm bothering you, I can go back inside.

Me: No, you can stay.

We didn't speak for a little while; we were just looking into each other's eyes. At some point we looked at the sky and I heard him say

M: That's it. I know their plan.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

M: They are trying to hide the sun in order to weaken Kara and Clark.

When he was done with his sentence, we heard an explosion and the building shook.

W: Daxamites dropped the D.E.O. jet that was monitoring their activity. And they've locked as their next target the school that's on the next block.

K: We have to evacuate the school immediately.

C: Kara, let's go.

Me: You aren't going anywhere. Mon-El just told you about their plan. It's a trap.

Hank: They're right. Clark, Kara you will stay in the D.E.O. and the rest will go. Nia, Guardian and Kayla, you'll do the evacuation. Brainy, you're in charge in case they send the bomb. You'll have to disarm it. Mon-El and I will take on the ship.

Everyone did their part successfully. Nobody left the D.E.O. because we didn't know when the Daxamites would strike again. I was with Mon-El and we were training. At first he went easy on me and didn't use his full strength, which made me mad and I tricked him. He lost his balance, and as he was falling down, he took me with him. I ended up... well, on top of him.

Me: That isn't fair.

M: You started playing dirty.

He replied and started inching closer. I bit my lip. Then Clark came in. I stood up quickly and moved away from Mon-El.

C: What's going on in here?

Me: We're training.

C: Yes, I see that. -he replied sarcastically.

Me: Why did you come?

C: We found a way to send the Daxamites away, but it's not the best for everyone.

We went to Lena's lab. Everyone was there.

M: What way did you find to send them away?

L (Lena Luthor): We found a substance that is toxic to Daxamites when it's in the air.

M: That's good, why are you all like this?

Me: Does it have an antidote?

L: No.

And then Mon-El understood why everyone was sad.

Me: Then we can't use it.

M: If it saves the planet, then I'll sacrifice myself.

L: We have a temporary solution, which will help you for a few hours, and if we don't find an antidote you'll have to leave earth.

M: Tell me what I have to do. We have to put the plan in motion as soon as possible.

Lena gave Mon-El a suit, which provided him with clean oxygen. They sprayed the atmosphere with the substance and after a while we saw the ships retreating and leaving earth. Mon-El's time was running out and Lena hadn't managed to find a different solution, so Mon-El had to get in Kara's ship and leave earth.

I was in the lab with Lena and I was staring at my mom's talisman and then an idea hit me. I explained to Lena that this plant has magical properties and with her help we made an antidote.

A few minutes before he had to leave earth, we managed to finish. Clark flew me to Mon-El and I gave him the antidote. It worked and he no longer had to leave.

Creator's note: 

The next chapter is going to be a crossover. Make sure to read: My life changed when I met Barry Allen! You can find it at @MariaMaximoff 

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