Chapter 8.1

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POV - Narrator:

Not too far away, Itachi and Kisame roamed in an unnamed land. The land wasn't claimed by any nation even though it was connected to the Land of Fire. It was across the ocean that separated it from the Land of Water.

Itachi and Kisame were traveling in this land, expecting the six-tails jinchuriki to be staying here. It would be a great place for the jinchuriki to freely wander around since there weren't many people living here.

Their main goal was to find the jinchuriki in the next eight days to make sure everything was going according to the plan.

"Do you really think we'll find him in eight days? I mean, it took us three WHOLE days to search one forest—" Kisame said, clearly discouraged.

Itachi didn't reply to his comrade, though. He was unaware that Kisame had spoken at all since he was busy thinking about something.

"There you go again. Why are you never listening?" Kisame frowned, pretending to cry. Still, Itachi didn't reply. They continued to walk beside each other in silence. "You're still thinking about her, right?" Kisame guessed, nudging Itachi's shoulder.

"No, I'm not," Itachi lied, turning his head away from Kisame.

Kisame smirked. "Hmm. How did you know which girl I was talking about....? It seems like cold boy's got a heart," he shrieked like a teenage girl who was writing fanfiction.

"She's just fascinating. That's all," Itachi replied, trying to convince himself it truly was just fascination. But in reality, it was much more to him. Her determined expressions. The strong desire to protect by overcoming the enemy. She was strong—the way she carried herself showed that. Even though he only exchanged a few words with her, he was attracted to her. But he wasn't ready to admit it.

"You sure?" Kisame snickered, squinting his eyes. Itachi didn't reply, knowing the annoying Hoshigaki would keep pestering him about it.

"Oh. We need to contact Pain," Itachi said.

"Right— Let's find a nice shaded area where we can sit down and be able to talk to Pain," Kisame said in response.

They found a nice secluded area in the forest. Trees shaded it and it looked like a safe place to rest for a while.

Kisame and Itachi took a seat under two different trees, making sure to be fully underneath its shadow. It was a hot day and the sun was shining brightly, so by staying underneath the shade, they would be avoiding the heat.

Kisame cracked his shoulders before closing his eyes and sending out thought waves. Itachi followed, doing the same thing as his partner.

After a few minutes of sending their thought waves, they both woke up in illusionary bodies. They were in a tower—the place Pain was waiting for them. The bodies were virtual illusions that were broadcasting their thought waves. They looked like a silhouette of the senders. The whole body itself was black and appeared distorted. They appeared as staticky. The only detailed part was the eyes of the user.

Both of them walked over to Pain, who was looking at the Hidden Rain Village skyline. It was pouring outside.

Pain looked over to the two silhouettes standing behind him. "Finally. I have some things I need to ask you two." Pain said, turning around to face his fellow Akatsuki members.

His eyes were slightly swollen. Tears trickled down his eyes as he gently wiped them away. It wasn't irregular to catch Pain crying. In Kisame's words, he's a pretty depressing guy. Today, Pain was mourning Hidan and Kakuzu's deaths, who got killed by Hidden Leaf shinobi while they were on a mission.

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