Across the 2nd Dimension (part-8)

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I am so tired right now


Back at the park...

"Uh, why is Perry wearing a hat?" Baljeet asked.

"Yeah, why is it a hat?" Candace asked. "Who decided that secret agent animals need to wear hats?"

"Well, it's not like he's can wear anything else that quickly?" Adyson said, remembering the quick transition from Perry to Agent P.

"We don't have time to explain. We've got to try and stop an evil d-" Phineas is suddenly interrupted as they see thousands upon thousands of Normbots spill out of the portal in the sky.

"Uh-oh. It's too late!" Candace said at the sight.

In Danville city streets, a woman is shown talking to a man.

"They're never going to fire her, and..." Suddenly there is a flash, and the woman looks up. "Hey, did you see that?"

"No, I..." the man turns and gasps. "What's going on?"

"Oh my!" an old woman said.

"What is it?!" another woman said, holding on to a man with a balding head.

"It's a comb over! I know, I should really just shave it!"

"That is not what you should be focusing on." Gretchen said.

"I don't know. That thing's existence is a crime if you ask me." Stacy remarked.

The bots swarm down onto the streets as people ran in terror.

"Not happening. Not happening!" a man said in fear and disbelief.

A woman runs by him, holding a watermelon. "My watermelon!"

"Yeah, your Watermelon is definitely the most important thing right now."

"Don't be mean, Gretchen."

The Normbots patrol the city as people run and scream, trying to hide.

"All vehicles must stop." A Normbot grabs a car and throws it. It impacts into a wall.

"It's okay! It's a rental!" the driver said.

The Love Händel tour bus drives through the streets, and Danny honks the horn. A Normbot blasts the bus, and it flips on its side. They open the doors and lookout.

"Oh, great. Albuquerque '93 all over again." Danny said, sitting back on the bus. Sherman ducks as a laser are fired.

"What happened in Albuquerque?" Holly wondered out loud. Milly shrugged in response.

"Who knows?"

Back at the park...

"I wish alternate dimension Candace was here," Phineas said. "she took out like thirty of those guys with a lawn gnome."

While Phineas talks, Perry's watch flashes. He answers it, and Monogram's head is projected out of the watch.

"Agent P, our agents are being overwhelmed by the sheer number of robots coming into our dimension." Monogram informed. "You must get to Doof's headquarters and stop him!"

"Aye aye, sir! We're ready to serve!" Phineas said, he and Ferb standing next to Perry.

"Boys, you should let Perry and his... friends handle this." Linda reasoned. "They clearly know how to take care of themselves, and you kids need to be safe."

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