Across the 2nd Dimension (part-7)

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*Quickly posts this before the swear police comes for me.*


The scene cuts to the same lava pit at the start of the movie. Phineas, Perry, Candace, Ferb, and Doofenshmirtz are shown more clearly now. They are chained and led by Normbots while Doofenshmirtz-2 appears on a screen.

"Welcome, doomed guests. Come on. Keep trudging. Doom is that away!"

They slowly approach a large covered item. Perry stops when he hears a growl from under the cover, but the Normbots push him forward.

"I would say so far, adulthood gets a three." Candace said, not looking slightly scared.

"You know, this may be as good as it gets." Doofenshmirtz comments as he hears her, and they walk onto a rocky area.

"What a depressing thought." Jeremy said, the teens agreeing with him.

"And now for my all-time favorite game..." Doofenshmirtz-2 said as the tarp is pulled off the item, revealing a cage holding the Goozim. It growls. "Poke the Goozim with a stick!... Surrounded by lava." The pathway retracts slowly as he gloats. "My second favorite game is backgammon. Love it!"

"What is that thing?" Stacy asked Vanessa. Vanessa shrug, not really knowing the answer herself.

"Wait, wait, hold the phone. I can be useful." Doofenshmirtz said as the pathway retreated. "What if you need a kidney? Or a stand-in for boring functions you have to attend, or another kidney?"

"That would definitely be useful." Ginger said.


"Aw, pooh."

"Guess he's not the type to think ahead." Baljeet replied to Ginger.

Several Normbots poke the Goozim with spears, and it roars, blowing their hair back. Another bot turns a crank, opening the cage.

"Cranky, cranky, cranky. Oh, I love the crank!" Doofenshmirtz-2 said happily.

The Goozim tries to catch them with his hand through the small opening the Normbots were making, but Perry moves away, causing the others to move back. It roars in their face again.

"I'll be honest, Ferb." Phineas said similar to the start. "I'm having a hard time putting a positive spin on this. Blah blah blah, two-car garage, etcetera, etcetera."

"Yeah, well, welcome to MY life!" The Goozim roars and Doofenshmirtz hides behind a Normbot.

"Whoa. Déjà vu-ish." Said Ferb.

"Two-car garage?" Candace asked confused, but everyone's attention was on the screen.

"Looks like we're back to where we started." Adyson said.

Perry bites at his cuffs to get them off, but they don't budge. A Normbot passes by, and Phineas notices something.

"Perry, check out that guard!" a ring of keys on a hook on his back. "Keys!"

Perry looks down at the keyhole on his chains and moves his cuff to reveal the watch. He activates the electromagnet and fires, pulling the keys to them.

"Cool!" Phineas said. He looks up to see the Normbot is also being pulled to them. "Ah! Look out!"

"Everything going to go to hell, isn't it?"


"Mom, I'm 17, not 7. Let me live my life!"

"If Candace gets to curse then so do I!" Phineas yelled cheerfully.

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