"Don't worry we can start with coffee first. What do you like?"

"A Carmel macchiato is fine," She replied with a smile.

"Cool. It's on me," he said as he got up to go order.

In his defense, he couldn't function without his daily coffee, Hyunjae also needed a quick coffee break so she agreed with him about needing coffee. She liked to think it stimulated her brain but maybe she said that just to feel better about drinking coffee so often. Sometimes coffee tasted better than an actual meal, but don't tell Kunhang she said that. Doyoung returned with their drinks and sat down.

"Ok, so can I see your sketches?" He asked sliding over the drink to her.

"Yeah!" She said excitedly.

She took out her iPad to show him a few of the designs she had this far. Finally, a way to get unbiased critiques on her work.

Hey Yuta
Are you and Jae hanging out today

Yeah she's got a meeting rn


Mhm a job thing

You know I'd never butt in to your relationship
But I was out with Yang
And we walked by a coffee shop
I saw her with a guy in there

Are you sure it was her?

I mean I don't know many people with that hair style
Let alone the same style
I care about you
You know I wouldn't tell you if I wasn't sure
Though I really hope it isn't her

Ah thanks win
I'll uh definitely ask
Idk I'll figure it out

Ok text me if you need anything

Yuta raised a brow as he reread the texts. There was no way right? He knew Sicheng wouldn't lie about something like this, but he didn't want to believe it. SIcheng wouldn't even have said anything if he wasn't a hundred percent sure it was her, so he was serious which meant that this was serious. But on the other hand, this was Hyunjae, the girl who basically got played by someone when she was younger so why would she do it to him? Should he text her? What if she wasn't even honest about where she was? He groaned laying flat on his bed, this is not how he wanted his morning to go. His fingers hovered over the keyboard to type a message but stopped. He always trusted her, was that his mistake? No, it couldn't be a mistake, they couldn't be a mistake.

Hey Sicheng
What was the coffee shop's name?

"I think these are all super solid. I know finding the fabric is definitely gonna be the hard part," Doyoung said as he closed her sketchbook, "But the seamstresses will have a blast looking for it."

He looked through all fourteen of the sketches she had and gave her some critiques. Despite being the director he also had some background in costume design. For the most part, he liked all of them and thought they fit in with the time period. There were just a few pieces that needed to be changed thankfully nothing major, at least not yet. Overall he was pretty satisfied with the sketches especially when he found out how long it took her to come up with them. The two were almost done conversing when her phone rang. Her eyes widened.

"Shit sorry I thought I put it on silent," she spoke reaching into her bag to stop the call.

"It's all good. We're pretty much done I'm just gonna send you the budget as well as the schedule and measurements of the actors. You know once break is over we can do the actual fittings and whatnot. Cool?" He asked holding his hand out.

Wannabe // NCT College AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt