Can't Stand It - Harry

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I drop my back and start looking for the key. I find them in my jean pocket and take it out to unlock the door. I open the door and take my back again. We walk inside and look around.

There's already a big white couch placed in the middle of the livingroom and a fireplace with the TV above it. The coffeetable it black with a glass platform.

In the kitchen is a breakfast bar and even a wine-fridge. There's also a quite big diningroom, with the same table as the coffetable in the livingroom, but then as a diningtable.

Louis and I bring our bags to our bedroom and sit down on the couch in the livingroom.

''We only have to get our stuff, and tomorrow our home will be cozy.'' I comment.

''Yeah, shall we go to sleep. I'm tired.'' Louis says.

''Yeah, me too.'' I say and stand up, I help Louis up to and together we walk to our bedroom. We get ready for bed and lay down. I take my phone to check my twitter and see all tweets and pictures of me and the boys packing our stuff.

I decide to tweet about me and Louis settling down in our new apartment. I immediately get notifacations of likes and re-tweets, I just ignore them and lay my phone down on the nightstand beside me.

''Goodnight, my boy.'' Louis says and kisses me. I kiss back and lay down with my head on his chest.

''Goodnight, Lou.''


The next morning I wake up to an empty bed and a harsh pain in my back. I groan and slowly sit up in bed, which is a bad idea, because it only makes it worse.

I stretch, but the pain doesn't go away. I think I did a little bit to much yesterday. I should've listen to the boys.

I stand up and limp my way to the livingroom, where Louis sits on the couch with some tea and watching TV.

''Morning babe.'' He says and turns around to face me, the smile on his face disappears when he sees me limping over to him.

''What's wrong?'' He asks, standing, up and helping me sit down.

''I think I did a bit to much yesterday, my back is killing me. I should've listen to you.'' I admit.

''Told you so, I'll grab you some tea.'' Louis says and makes his way to the kitchen to ame some tea.

I try to sit in a comfortable pose, but nothing is comfortable at this moment. I really regret not listening to the boys. I bet that if I tell them my back hurts, they would laugh at me.

Louis comes back and hands me the tea. I embrace the warmth it gives me. Louis sits down next to me and gives me a kiss.

''Shall I make you a warm bath? Maybe it'll help.'' He suggests.

''If you join me.'' I smirk.

''Always.'' I chuckles and walks to the bathroom to make us a bath.

I drink my tea and wait for my boyfriend's return. After a few minutes he come back, he grabs the empty tea glass from me and helps me up. We walk to the bathroom and with a bit of effort and help from Louis, I get in bath and him too. I sit between Louis' legs, while he gently rubs mt back.

He grabs the shampoo and washes my hair and his own, after that we just relax for almost an hour.

''Think you won't be doing much today, I'll just call the boys again.'' Louis says.

I groan but agree, my back is killing me.

''C'mon, let's get out and dress up.'' Louis says and stands up to grab a towel for himself and me. He helps me up too and gently lifts me out of the bath.

''Lou, I'm not a baby, it's just my back.'' I chuckle.

''Just let me help you, I enjoy it.'' He says.

We dress up and go back to the livingroom.

''I'll make some breakfast and call the boys for help.'' Louis walks to the kitchen to make some breakfast, or cereal, because he can't cook for shit. Oh and if you're asking how we got food, Louis had gone groceries shopping while I was still sleeping.

After only 15 minutes he comes back with two bowels of cereal. ''I already called the boys, I told them you have a back ache and I heard Niall laughing his guts out.'' He laughs.

''I already thought they would laugh at me.'' I pout.

''Don't worry Haz, they'll help us, they're here in an hour.''


We eat our cereal in silence and watching TV. When we're done, Louis takes the bowels to the kitchen and comes back with a glass water and a bottle of painkillers.

''Here, take these, it will take the pain away.'' He says and gives two pills and the glas to me. I thank him and gladly take the pills.

I continue watching TV, untill we hear the doorbell ringing and the loud laughter of Niall.

''I'll open.'' Louis says and stands up. He opens the door and Niall, Zayn and Liam immedaitely step inside.

''Nice.'' Niall comments and walks further in the house, curiously looking around. He walks into the kitchen and opend the fridge looking for food.

Liam and Zayn sit down next to me. ''So, how's your back, Hazza.'' Zayn asks with a smirk.

''Totally fine, thanks.'' I say and roll my eyes at him.

''Yeah, right.'' Liam chuckles.

''You want something to drink?'' Louis asks the boys.

''No thanks, let's just start unpacking.'' Liam says and stands up, Zayn right after him.

''Harry, you stay exactly where you are. Don't move. If I see you lifting something, you'll get no more kisses for the rest of the day.'' Louis say with a stern look. I just pout and nod my head.

The rest of the day is just me watching the boys taking boxes inside the house and Louis unpacking them. Sometimes I help with telling him where I want it to stand, but nothing more.

When dinner time finally comes, we order pizza and have a fun boys night, with watching movies and me cuddling Louis.


What do you think?

If you have anymore requests just message me.


Loortjuhh <3

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