Chapter Twenty-One

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James walked toward a stone house. Someone had told him where Jason had been located after the incident at Uden. Knocking on the door, he just looked around the unfamiliar street. He had never lived in Simcoe before getting transferred, so it seemed oddly strange.

The door opened to reveal a slender girl with her bronzed hair done in a braid. She wore leggings and a purple blouse with light makeup and a golden necklace that said her name.

"Is Jason here?" he asked.

"Yes," Teagan finally said.

He entered the beautiful home, taking in the sights while holding his computer by his side. There was whispering when he spotted Esme rushing to the door, holding up a peace sign.

"Hey, James, did you finally leave Greyson and his losers?" she beamed.

James was the same age as Esme. She always had a lot of energy and enjoyed being seen with friends. He didn't exactly know her until he met her in the club, where the freaks started to form. The secret club of who actually had powers at Uden and how to use them. He didn't use his powers, though, since Greyson might get angry with him. James had been the one to document the information.

Scarlett knew, but he wasn't exactly sure how. Someone like him, who has been considered a geek, had superhuman strength throughout his whole body. Not like Devon, who can only do it with an arm that stays enhanced. His whole body becomes strong, and Scarlett could use that on him. That's why he'll do as she asks before May 18th.

"I need to talk to Jason about something," James said.

Esme looked back and forth between the computer and him for a moment before she clasped her hands together.

"Let's go!" she cheered, leading him into a long hallway with three doors before kicking open the end door.

James wandered in, seeing Jason flat on the bed. Greyson has really punished this guy a lot in the past two weeks.

"You have a visitor," Esme chimed.

"Why's James here?" Jason mumbled, dropping his head on the sheets.

"Information," Esme implied, jumping on the edge of the queen bed.

James set his computer on a black nightstand, pulling up the same graphic he had shown Greyson.

"These have been all the holes created," James said, facing the laptop toward Jason.

"That many?" Jason gasped, pulling an arm closer to the laptop.

"These are the major ones," James said, pointing toward the ones on the street and behind the daycare.

"Major?" Esme asked, staring with knitted eyebrows.

"Where most have died," James explained.

Esme appeared stunned. It had been a strange expression for her to wear, especially since she's normally someone who wants to take action without thinking of the consequences.

"Were all these created by Ashley?" Jason asked.

James zoomed up on one near the outskirts, toward Wasaga Beach. "Yes, because nobody has the supernatural ability to dig holes," he stated.

Jade had said Cindy would be here, but she wasn't. The only logical solution he could think of was to notify Jason. Even if Greyson wouldn't approve of his actions, he needed someone to do something about it.

"Why is she doing it?" Jason asked.

"Shouldn't you know the answer?" James asked, spotting the uncertainty in his eyes about something.

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