Chapter Four

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The stage was grand, with the hardwood creaking and the maroon curtains open. Greyson walked to the middle of the stage with Scarlett and Luke. The many Uden students were quiet while waiting for him to explain his plan and the agreement.

Simcoe needed a real leader who knew how to stand up to whatever was going to come. It was his rules and his choices when it came to everything, not someone else's.

"As I've stated, those fifteen and over have vanished. Word from Jason is that Uden can go to Simcoe. The difference, though, is that we have to help out," he started.

He knew most people wouldn't want to help because this is Uden Academy. The place where rules have been set into their brains, even when a lot of people break them.

"Apparently, he doesn't want us to use these abilities some of you may have. Don't worry, we won't be following all those rules. We are just twisting them. Uden isn't going to get pushed around by Simcoe!" Greyson exclaimed, holding up a fist as most of the crowd cheered.

If people stayed on his side, he had the upper hand. This meant he would be able to have more control over this place and those in Simcoe.

"I'd like you all to form lines by age. Anyone close to turning fifteen at the end, those younger on the right side. We are going to see where these people go," he said.

"My birthday is today!" Carlson Davis yelled.

Everyone darted their eyes to Carlson, who pushed his way to the front of the stage. He looked around at everyone staring at him while looking down at his black watch.

"What time were you born?" Before Carlson spoke, he vanished.

It was just a matter of seconds before they disappeared. There had to be more behind those actions. Did something make them vanish, or was it just a twisted scheme?

The best option was to wait for the next birthday to confirm the discovery. The best person who would know would be James, who was a computer brainiac. If he could find a way to figure out the disappearance, they could stop this thing. Even if that were important, there was another task Greyson had in mind.

Knowing that he was Jason's twin pissed him off. Heather gives him up for adoption but keeps him. Plus, having a daughter with a different man made his blood boil.

It's time for Jason to get his payback. Even if revealing they were twins was early, he needed someone who would be a weakness on his side.

An idea went off in his head. Henry apparently said they were their own group, and he probably meant ones against Jason's rules. That thought made him smirk as he looked over at Preston. The boy was looking around the gym at the many students near the edge of the stage.

Greyson walked toward him as he looked up. "I need you to do something for me," Greyson started. "I need you to spy on Jason. Luke will be coming, but you have to be invisible."

This would be the best way to figure out all the information they may have discovered in secret. If they did keep more secrets and were responsible for this occurrence, it wouldn't sit right with him.

"Scarlett, go to town with Emma. I need you to bring Henry and his crew. I'll stay back with James, trying to figure out these vanishings," Greyson said. "Talk to who you are assigned to. Tomorrow we start everything."

Jason rushed downstairs into the church basement. Bella had informed him about Ashley, which made him panic. How could he ignore the fact that his stepsister was missing?

His mind had been looped with Greyson and everything else that was going on. The most he was concerned about was Simcoe itself, since people seemed divided ever since the rules were stated.

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