Chapter 30 - Wing Girl

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The Next Morning...

Y/T: 'Where's Mina...?'

Mina: "Sooooorrrrrrrrrrryyyy!!!! *Huff Puff*... I... am... *Huff* so sorry... Y/N..."

Y/N: "Don't worry about it, Mina. Let's just walk to school."

Mina: "But it's sooo early..."

She lets out a loud yawn and stretches dramatically. Mina looks up at you for a moment.

Mina: "Hey... you look upset... did something happen?"

Y/N: "Well... There's this guy—"

Mina: "*GASP* YOU'RE IN LOVE?!?!?!?"

Y/N: "No!!! This guy... was my childhood friend..."

Mina: "Okay...?"

Y/N: "So we went on this... 'date'...?"

Mina: "Yes...?"

Y/N: "And, well... it was... okay, I guess..."

Mina: "Oh? Just okay?"

You sigh and put your hands in your pockets.

Y/N: "Yeah... I don't know. He's just... he's okay I guess."

Mina giggles and gives you a playful shove.

Mina: "Jeez, Y/N! I didn't realize you played so hard to get!"

You give her a weak smile and she raises an eyebrow at you.

Mina: "There's something else on your mind."

Y/N: "N-no!"

Mina sighs and rolls her eyes.

Mina: "You're such a bad liar. What is it? Someone else on your mind, is it?"

Y/N: "Well-"

Mina squeals in excitement, then quickly calms herself.

Mina: "Ahem. Excuse me. Go on..."

Your face goes red, and you pull your hands out to nervously pick at one of your nails.

Y/N: "Ahem. Well... after I was with Zach, I ran into..." You mumbled "... Kirishima..."

Mina: "Whaaat?! Eijiro?! And?!"

You stop and raise an eyebrow.

Y/N: "Eijiro? You call him by his first name? Are you guys close?"

Mina: "Oh, yeah, I've known Eijiro since we were kids! We went to middle school together, you know."

Y/N: "You did?"

Mina: "Yep! You should've seen what he looked like back then. His hair was totally different. It was kinda longish and down, like Todoroki's, but black- Wait, I'm totally getting distracted from what's important here. So, you ran into Eijiro. And?!"

You sigh.

Y/N: "I don't know... It's probably all in my head. He so nice to everybody-"

Mina: "You have a crush on Eijiro!!!!"

You jump forward to put a hand over her mouth.

Y/N: "M-mina! Shh! I-i didn't say that!!"

She giggles and smiles at you.

Mina: "You have such a cute taste, Y/N! He is seriously the best guy. No wonder he talks about you so much."

Your eyes widen and your cheeks go red again.

Y/N: "He... talks about me?"

Mina: "Well, yeah! I didn't really think about it until just now. But he totally does. I remember after your duel with Todoroki in the training class, he kept mentioning how cool and strong you were. And during the sports festival. You didn't notice that he was like, totally following you the whole time?"

Y/N: "Wh-what? He was?"

Mina: "Well, honestly, I was kinda following you too, which is why I noticed. But during the race, he was like, totally watching you the whole time. Like he was worried about you getting hurt or something."

Your heart flutters in your chest for a moment.

Y/T: 'Maybe he does-?'

You shake the thought and sigh.

Y/T: 'But he's like that with everyone, isn't he...?'

Mina: "Sooooooo..... when are you confessing?"

Y/N: "Mina! I-I didn't even say that I liked him!"

Mina: "Well, he totally likes you. Trust me. I know him."

We walk for a couple minutes, then out of nowhere, Mina grabs your arm. You both stop.

Mina: "I sense there's something else you're not telling me!"

Y/T: '*gulp* The kiss... How did she know?'

Y/N: "How did you know?!"

Mina: "It's called knowing my best friend! Now spill!"

Y/N: "N-no... I..."

Mina: "Alright, have it your way. I'll just dare you to spill it at the summer lodge instead! Then you'll have no choice but to tell it in front of everyone!"

Y/N: "Okay! Okay! Well, Kirishima, kinda... k-kissed me... on the cheek."

Mina overflowed and bursted with joy! She squealed, jumped, and wrapped her arms around you.

Mina: "Haha! I knew it!"

You let her have her fangirling moment before you told her it was nothing.

Mina: "I didn't have to be there to know it was not nothing! But fine. If you're so concerned, I am the matchmaking QUEEN! I'll talk to him-"

Y/N: "N-no! NO! Don't do that!"

Mina: "Come onnnn! Pleeeease! I can totally set you guys up!"

She stares at you with a pleading look on her face. You shoot her a playful death glare back.

Mina: "Ugh! Fine. I won't intervene. For now. But think about it, okay?"

Y/N: "Fine."

The two of you make it to the classroom, your head spinning with thoughts.

Y/T: 'Maybe...?'

Always with a Smile (Eijiro Kirishima x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now