chapter 27

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"Ladies and gentlemen, please give a handful to the man of the hour once more" applause roared through making Andre give a big smile and a wave of the hands to everyone.

"Please come to the center of the room, because tonight"

He looks around the room and shoulders his son "tonight we celebrate a man that is a year younger than yesterday and just a tad bit wiser tomorrow" André nudges his father laughing.

"May the best of luck come to you mijo, me and your mother have done so well and had to slap the pendejo to get you to where you are now, so!"

"Happy birthday to you," Stella purposely chimes out first. swinging her manicured nails in the air while not wasting her drink that on the other hand.

André laughs and so does everyone else then chimes in to sing

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday

happy birthday

Happy birthday to you

"Go on and blow out those candles mijo" Stella edges on

"Wait, shouldn't he make a wish first?" When polo said wish, André nearly snaps his neck towards my direction.

He closes his eye and blows out the 24 candles

Loud cheers and whistles come over the silence.

When I downed the strong Champagne, and gave the bartender a hundred dollars and decided to leave out the door where it has fewer people surrounded to not make any interruptions. Once it swings open, the cold rain hits my face ruining the foundation that was freshly put on me.

André's event wasn't that far away from the hotel just, as I was crossing the street, a car blared its horn, scaring me to the ground.

"Why did you leave the party?" Andre comes into view blocking the bright headlights that were blinding my eyes.

"Are you kidding I don't belong in a party of riches" He hands his hands out and I gladly accept, once I stood up I winced at the pain shooting through my leg.

"What's wrong? What happened" André says

"My leg hurts a lot, I think I snapped a bone" I cry in pain, holding the ankle and sheen parts.

"Come here, let me see it" he first moves my dress out the way and then removes my hands that were applying pressure. Under his breath, he lets out a few cussed words. "ok, let me see the sheen" this part hurts more than my ankle.

damn it, baby girl I'm sorry" he lightly touches me, making me wince "it's all swollen" through my tears mixed with the rain I look to see he is upset for me. "There's a hospital just down the road, just drop me off there I'll take what else happens on me, help me get up" I reach my hands out so I can start the long way there.

"Come on, I'll take you to someone that knows what they are doing" before the good foot can even take a step, my whole body swung into the air and was wrapped comfortably in strong arms."Stop fighting against things that are being given to you geez why do you that" I nuzzle into his not wanting to answer that.

"Alonso, sorry for running off with the car, can you please take us to the private hospital" I look over my shoulder and see him open the door, I tried to let go of André's hold, but he just held on to me tighter.

So here on our way to the hospital. Him sitting in the backseat of the BMW and I sitting in his lap with a sized up watermelon for a leg."Can you at least let me put my seat belt on?" He repositioned me into his lap and grabbed for the seat belt. I felt like a small kid in a car seat "well isn't this much of the embarrassment" I say sarcastically. 

"well who fault is that ran in front of the car" 

"It is your fault you shouldn't do came speeding and honking the damn horn-like your crazy" I turn to see a crazy embarrassing look on his face 

silence fills he pleads and I sit here on his leg in satisfaction.

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