Chapter 19

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Brunch with a beautiful lady is quite nice especially making the food, I'll admit I'm a little bit horrible at cooking the first 2 waffles were perfectly burned, and damn near set the bacon and sausages on fire. That's when Marella came to the rescue whatever magic he had made the rest of the food commercial perfect, safe and delicious.

While eating, we would talk here and there when commercials are more likely 10 mins longer than the program that we were watching.

What I know so far about her is that she has 4 little tattoos on her and one big one on her thighs, she loves teddy graham crackers, she's read 235 books in the past 3 years, and she wants to own her own fashion business in the future.

"Tell me what is Mr.Mendoza been through since graduation" She leans back sipping her pineapple mimosa, ready to hear what life has been like for me.

I swallow the rest of my waffle and lick the sticky syrup off my hands "it's not been bad, most of everything I already have at the snap of my fingers" I snap and playfully gave her a smirk.

She smirks and finishes down her sweet drink.

Grab her by the throat and take her to the bedroom

I clear my throat, stabbing a fork full of fruit, and jamming as much as possible into my mouth that clear away the crazy thought.

Soon enough im coughing and spitting up strawberries, and mangos while Marella hits me from the back to clear my airways.

"Damn are you ok? The fruit is still there it ain't going anywhere" She hands me a glass of water. "I think food hour is done.

After eating and cleaning, we went into our rooms to get ready, Marella kept talking me out of taking her places she wants, but I pretended not to be listening, there's something about her that makes me want to be around her more.

After a bit of struggle to put my watch on, my sunglasses had gone missing, everywhere I look it wasn't in that place.

"Ella, have you seen my sunglasses? I can't find them anywhere" and without a second thought, I opened the door just then to see her putting on her clothes.

"Wow didn't know you had such a body because gid damn" She quickly turns around and panics toward where I lean at the doorframe. "Get you weird sicko, you could of at least knock damn it!"

"Oh come on I have seen naked women before this is nothing new, you have a cute body if I do say so myself" The door then swings open and there she stands in disbelief. "what's that supposed to mean?"

"U-um nada, ayúdame a encontrar mis lentes y podemos ir al centro comercial"

She glares, grabbed her shoes, phone, and purse, and walks by me to the living room.
The mall was quite crowded on a Friday afternoon and so far we had gone through all the stores that were on the first floor.

"Come come we are on a mission, to the second floor" Marella pulls me to the elevator, and to just fuck with her, I press the 3rd floor instead.

While riding up, she had a playful pissed-off type of attitude.

"That's the wrong button, I said the second Floor that two fingers you ass" I look at her with a smirk a push the right one. "I can show you what two fingers can get you to" I wiggle them im a seductive motion.

She smiles...that not good when she smirks a smile a-aren't girls supposed to get flustered "fine make your talk into action, but just know yall can't resist" I swallow my heart back into place when she did motion. The motion that every guy loves to do when they by themselves. I tease her at the strongest but she knocks me down hitting my weaknesses and with a strut.

The Bad Boy MillionaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora