"Woah Chris looks like there was a bit of passion in that kiss! Do you find little Karl here attractive?" Jimmy taunted.

Chris just smiled and lightly chuckled to himself as a response

"Karl it looks like you're in man," Chandler nudged at my arm.

"Alright your turn to spin," Jimmy said gesturing at me.

"Oh me? Actually I think I'm done with the game now."

Chris smiled. "Well I hope it lands on me."

Katie's eyebrows shot up. "Chris!"

I reluctantly grabbed the bottle and spun it. I didn't have a need to kiss these people but maybe Chris is the exception. As the bottle slowed down, it seemed to be heading for Chris. It came at a full stop the wasted kid.

Chris puts a fist in the air. "Woo! Round two baby!"

Chandler started laugh again. "That's straight out of a movie come on! His turn lands on you and your turn lands on him! It's meant to be."

"He's taken!" Katie shouts.

"You two are both sitting in the circle, you knew what we were playing. At that point it's kinda your fault," Jimmy argues.

Chris starts moving towards me but Katie abruptly stood up and grabbed the collar of his shirt stopping him. "We're going now!"

"Aw so soon?" Jimmy asked. "How come? Is it because your boyfriend kissed a dude in front of you and was about to do it again?" He teased.

Katie stuck up her middle finger and pointed it at him. "Go to hell Jimmy." She then pointed at me. "You can join him too."

"Hey don't be a dick to them," Chris's said while standing up.

Katie whipped her head to look at him. "You don't have any room to talk. Let's go."

She had him by his hand at this point and started walking to the door.

Chris and I made eye contact while he was leaving. He waved goodbye and winked just before Katie rushed him out of the room.

"Well there they go," Chandler says.

Jimmy sighs. "We only did a round and a half. He didn't even get his second kiss."

"Well it's early in the night, there's still time for him to get it," Chandler teases.

"Haha very funny Chandler. Can we go? " I said, "We don't have to leave the party but I don't want to play anymore."

"Chandler you should keep playing!" Jimmy said.

Chandler looked over at me and Ink ow he wanted to stay. I sighed. "You can play I'll just go downstairs."

"You sure? I feel bad."

I forced a smile. "Yeah I'm gonna turn 18 soon I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

He smiled back. "Alright, thanks man."

"Yeah no problem." I stood up and left the room.

I didn't want to be alone at a party with very little people I knew but I didn't want to play and it would be awkward just sitting there not playing. I walked down the steps and pushed back some people. If I just stood against the wall and stayed on my phone maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I walked over to the wall next to the stairs by the drink table. I picked up a red solo cup and filled it with water since I didn't feel like drinking. I stood against the wall and pulled out my phone. Sitting there, I just scrolled on instagram trying to block out the rowdy people. After around five minutes I felt a hand on my shoulder. My eyes shot up to see who it was but thankfully it was Chandler.

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