Spin the bottle

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Genre: Fluff?
POV: Karl's
Words: 2338
TW: underage drinking
It was Chris Tysons 18th birthday so of course he had to throw a flashy party. He invited everyone in the school to his large house at 8:00 P.M. Besides his best friend Jimmy, he was the most popular kid in the school. Since he was a main part of the channel Mrbeast, his popularity skyrocketed. A few of my friends convinced me to go to the party despite me saying that I had no interest in parties. But that of course is the exact reason they wanted me to go, and because they wanted a designated driver. They managed to convince me and I drove them to Chris' s large house. When we got there I didn't do much. For the most part I just followed my friends until they eventually split up and I was left by myself. I was on my phone by myself for around 30 minutes and it had been about an hour into the party and I was getting pretty bored. I wanted to figure out where Chandler went because I wanted to see how long he planned to stay. I ended up walking into the room and spot a few of my friends in a circle along with some strangers and other people I knew.

Chandler saw me in the doorway. "Karl! Come sit down, we're playing spin the bottle."

My eyebrows shot up. "Oh no, I'm good actually. I just wanted to try and find you guys."

"No, no, no, come play!" Chandler said excitedly.


"Karl, Karl, Karl," Chandler started chanting. A few people joined in at a time until just about everyone was chanting with him. Chandler stood up and stumbled over to me. "Just play the game." He grabbed my arm and brought me to the circle.

They stopped chanting and started clapping.

"Fine..." I sat down next to Chandler and this blonde girl who I recognized as Chris's girlfriend, she didn't look happy to be playing the game. Chris sat across from me.

Jimmy smacked his hands together. "So Chris, since you're the birthday boy you get to spin first." He handed Chris the bottle.

"Wait what?" Katie said. "We're dating, you really think that's a good idea?"

"Hey you're in the circle too," Jimmy replied

Chris rolled his eyes and placed the bottle on the wooden floor. He twisted his wrist then let go of the empty bear bottle. The bottle spun passing all of us a couple times before it began to get much slower. It began getting slower as it approached me. My heart started beating faster as I realized there's a good chance that the bottle will land on me. Maybe it would land on Katie? I thought to myself considering we were right next to each other. The bottle came to a stop in between me and Katie. Eyes peered on us as looked over at Katie.

"He could just re spin- uh actually it looks more like it landed on Katie! Yeah Katie for sure," I tripped over my words.

Jimmy leaned closer to look at the bottle. "Nah man, it looks like it's on your side more."

Katie clicked her tongue and crossed her arms. "Is this really up for debate? I'm his girlfriend and it landed in the middle! There is no re-spin and he sure as hell won't be kissing you!"

I sat there silent and so did the room. My face got red and I felt eyes starring at me.

"Wow harsh Katie..." Jimmy said and the others agreed.

Chris didn't seem to be paying attention to the conversation but instead the bottle. "Eh I don't give a shit, it landed on... you." He pointed to me.

"Uh? A-are you sure?"

"Mhmm!" He walked over to me on his knees before sitting down. He placed his hands onto my cheeks and started to lean in.

His lips were smooth and soft. His scruff on his beard ran against my skin. My eyes were widened before I realized the sensation of the kiss. My eyes closed as my body became calm. He pulled away and I was left speechless but the people in the circle weren't. They started to clap and Chandler found it hilarious. He was practically dying of laughter. I could feel my face getting bright red as each second passed. Chris was back to his original position. I felt daggers staring at me from Katie.

♥︎𝙆𝙖𝙧𝙡 𝙭 𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨♥︎Where stories live. Discover now