"Yeah ? Well surely not as bad as my fiance who couldn't make it today  ."he spits back .

The air is quiet for a few seconds . Alaki's eyes never leave mine as he tries to intimidate me . He almost succeeds until Vincent speaks up.
"You really have the audacity to threaten me and my woman? "He raises his voice in anger . I can tell that he is pissed off that he had to go out of his way to sort this out . Vincent was fuming about having to come here just for this .

"Well your girl murdered mine so I think it's only fair that I cause you a little hassle ."he laughs and leans back in his seat before glancing at Quinten .
"I would have never thought that Quinten would be so interested in this ."

"I'm here to make sure that imbecil doesn't screw this up ."Quinten scowls in disappointment as he shakes his head at Vincent.  "How could you act so carelessly by leaving the body behind ? Is this the first or are there more littering the street?"he yells in anger . "This reflects back to us you know!"

My stomach churns at how easily they speak of death and murder . They care not for the loss of those poor lives and instead of how their name is affected? That's barbaric and heartless . They were once people. Living , breathing and smiling people. 

"Oh no sir ,"Alaki chuckles and leans forward while resting his forearms on his thighs , his malicious gaze fixated on me . "it wasn't Vincent that brought me here at all . It was the beauty next to him . "

All eyes snap to me as I scratch the skin on my arm in unease and shame. 
"I'm so sorry for killing your beloved ."I squeak , staring at Quinten's expensive leather shoes .

"Have some dignity ,girl !"Quinten hisses . "What's done is done . Let's talk about why Alaki has decided to cause problems. "

A jab in my hip snaps me out of my shameful daze and I peer over at Vincent who sneaks in a short glance before looking back at the two men in front of us . He shifts slightly so that his leg brushes mine in a comforting manner. He's worried about me...
I look up at Amariah who shakes her head at me and avoids my eyes in disapproval. 

How can I stay mad at Vincent when he cares so much about me?

"-what do you think Lorain ?"

My eyes snap back to Alaki and I realize I've been zoning out for most of the discussion . What's wrong with me ? "Pardon?" I clear my throat. 

My lack of attention brings a smile to Alakis lips and I can tell that he is up to something . "Do you agree with my proposal ? I suggest that since Vincent tainted my fiance and forced her to cheat on me -"thats not what happened "-and forced you to murder her , I only to spend a short while with you alone . "


"The gall."Vincent curses in anger. "Never in a million years would I allow such a preposterous request be fulfilled! Lorain is mine and no man will so much as lay a damn finger on her body ."

"I never said that I will touch her ."Alaki grins "Unlike you , I can keep my hands to myself you sadistic prick .What man slices up his lover like a steak? " Alaki's tone goes serious as his amused expression vanishes . A dark glare replaces all humor in his eyes .

"That is a personal matter. "Vincent laughs and drops his hand on my thigh,  smacking it softly to show possession over me . This actions brings a sour taste to my tongue and I decide that I need to step in .

"Enough of this childish bickering ."I interrupt and try my hardest to keep an authoritative tone . "As far as I'm aware we were called about the wrongdoings to your fiance.  I'm terribly sorry for what I've done but I cannot lay with another man . I refuse.  "I shake my head .

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