Chapter 24

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With a tired sigh I drop the book on the floor as my legs kick the blanket off my body . I stare up at the ceiling ,half my body hanging off the bed as blood rushes to my head.

For the past week I've been left alone with my thoughts . Bored and lonely , reading being the only thing I am able to do without ripping my hair out.

Vincent has been leaving me here alone while he sorts out meetings and other business related things I really dont care about. Dorothy came up the one day and told me that Vincent wanted me to continue painting but I dont think I want to .

It was nice seeing someone other than Vincent. It made me think about Damien . I wonder how he's doing .

"Where ,oh where ,could my darling be?"

I hear Vincent humming from downstairs. He seems to be in a happy mood . I dont want to deal with so much energy right now .

With a groan I quickly crawl under the duvet and wrap it around me as I bury my head under the pillow . The warmth from the blanket feels so good right now .

"There you are !"Vincent exclaims as he walks up the stairs . "Why is my beautiful darling still in bed?"he asks as he walks closer , his shoes knocking against the wooden floor and causing goosebumps to run up my arms.

"I'm tired."I sigh and snuggle deeper under the pillow. "Stop being so loud."I moan .

A squeak leaves my mouth as the duvet is pulled off of me , exposing me to a grinning Vincent.

I cant help but stare in astonishment at how beautiful he looks . His hair is slightly messy but face is glowing with happiness. For once he looks truly happy. What caused this?

"You , darling , "he starts and climbs on the bed, sitting in front of me with a glint in his eye. "Are coming with me to a ball. "

Disappointment fills my chest and I shrink back, wrapping my arms around my stomach in discomfort.
"No offense Vincent , but I dont feel like going to a ball."I admit and avert my eyes, not wanting to see the expression of anger on his face .

The cold feeling of his hand cupping my cheeks sends chills up my spine and I look up at him . To my surprise he isnt mad .

Vincent stares at me in sympathy as his thumb strokes my cheek. "What's the matter ?"he hums softly.

I feel my heart skip a beat at the affectionate action , not accustomed to this soft and gentle side of Vincent. Something definitely happened to make him so happy. But what?

I push his hand away and frown at the wrinkled bedsheets that haven't been changed in a while. "You've been gone the whole week . We've barely spoken and you expect me to just be okay with it? "I bite my lip and look up at him , gaining courage and I feel the anger burn it's way to the surface.
"I've been alone . It's not nice being by myself especially after everything ive-"i get cut off by Vincent grabbing my face and pulling it against his , our lips connecting in fiery kiss .

I pull away in shock ."What are-"

"I didnt know you like my company that bad."he chuckles and stands up off the bed. "Its nice to know that you're over your hating-me-stage. I'm sorry for forgetting about you."he apologizes and begins walking towards the closet.

I didnt say I like his company. I just hate being alone . Even if it's with a psycho,I need company.

"When is the ball?"I ask softly as I stare at his back .

It feels wrong wishing he'd be around more ; but I've been locked up here by myself for so long that I need him here.

"Tonight! "He grins and turns to face me ."I know its last minute but Oh how much fun we'll have ."he muses as he glides over to me .

I raise an eyebrow at his peppy attitude and find it suspicious that he is so excited for this gathering. If I remember correctly , he doesnt necessarily like going to events like these because of all the snobby rich people.

Theres something going on and I need to know what.

"What is this ball in celebration of?"I ask and lean forward as I watch him slip his blazer off.

"The agreement was finalized. My paintings shall be displayed and owned under the the Crystal Dynasty."he hums .

The Crystal Dynasty? Why would he sell his work to people like that? They arent as powerful as Quinten and his corporation so it doesnt make sense to partner with them . They arent even part of the art industry!

My eyes travel down his body and fall on a small piece of paper in his pant pocket. Is it perhaps a note?

"Vincent ..."I sigh and stand up from the bed . Time to put on a seductive facade.
I saunter over to him ,taking note of the bored expression on his face as I stand in front of him.
"I'm starting to think you dont want me anymore. "I pout and play with the button on his shirt .

Vincent stays quiet for a while , causing me to think I should actually be concerned about him growing bored of me.

"My dearest apologies Love ."he whispers , his voice careful and soft.
"I've been extremely busy . I wont leave you again."he mumbles as he watches my fingers play with his buttons.

My heart aches in regret for doing this but something's up with him and I need to know what. You can never trust someone who murders for fun.

I bury my face in his chest as my arms wrap around his torso. His arms immediately wrap around me tightly as he rests his chin on my head .

"If I had known you were this clingy I wouldn't have killed your friend to keep you here. All I had to do was get you to fall for me"he chuckles and rubs my back with his thumb .

Anger immediately burns it's way through my veins as all hints of guilt vanishes and I gently slip the note out of his pocket .

Vincent clearly doesnt know me as well as he and I thought he did.

What happened to the man who claimed to know me better than I know myself ?

I pull away and force a smile on my face as I stare up at him. "You're lucky that I like you or you'd have a split lip by now."I laugh and step back in hidden disgust.

Vincent smirks and pats my head before walking away . "Theres the Lorain I've grown to cherish."he whispers ."I thought I screwed you up."he laughs .

Bastard !

I ignore him and rush to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I open the note and find two different sets of handwriting.

The messy writing says:

Cant wait for tonight darling. Remember to wear red .

Why do I have a feeling that this is Vincent's handwriting? That's something he would definitely say.

I read the response from the unknown person and find myself boiling with rage .

I will. Save a dance for me okay?I dont want to be competing with your other girls for your attention .

Hes been having relations with another girl?

Pain ignites in my chest as the feeling of betrayal squeezes at my heart .

After everything we've been through ...he is with another girl?,

After everything hes done to me ! He ruined my life to have me and now that he does , he has an affair with some whore?

I crumple the pieces of paper in my fist and bang my hand against the floor in fury.

All of this just to be forgotten about ? My friend is dead !

This man is going to die tonight.

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