- darkest of hours -

Start from the beginning

"Your Highness i agree with Feng Xin , what you are thinking is not the solution , this is not right." Mu Qing added. 

"I know what I am saying very well , help me out guys one last time." Xie Lian pleaded with tears in his eyes. 

Mu Qing and Feng Xin couldn't help but agree to Xie Lian. 

( what the hell is he thinking?)

" Why isn't gege back by now ? i should go and check , those heaven bastards need to get their asses beat." Hua Cheng said in a cold tone. 

"Crimson rain." 

"What the hell are you two pieces of shit doing here?" 

"Why am I even wasting my time conversing with you." Hua Cheng said as he walked away  nonchalantly , which sent chills down both martial gods spines. 

"If you're looking for your highness , he isn't in the heavenly capital." Mu Qing said. 

Hua Cheng stopped in his track as he heard Xie Lian wasn't where he expected him to be. 

" And how do you know where he is." Hua Cheng said as he gave deathly stares to the two males. 

"Because he sent us , to call you to visit him." Mu Qing replied. 

"And why would gege take the help of you incompetents." Hua Cheng said as he gently folded his arms. 

"Did he contact you through the spiritual communication array?" Feng Xin asked. 

Hua Cheng remained still for a moment. 

"And why do i need your help to find gege?" 

"We aren't helping you neither we have any intension of doing so , we are just doing what Your Highness asked of us." Mu Qing replied in a cold tone.

Hua Cheng definitely didn't have even a tinge of empathy for the two martial gods , but if it's for his gege , he would cooperate even with them. 

"Let's go." 

As the three males reached the palace of the martial god of the west. Hua Cheng couldn't help but scowl thinking about how unusual it was for Xie Lian to not contact him yet alone he couldn't comprehend what he was doing in Feng Xin's palace. 

As they walked towards the boudoir , Feng Xin broke the silence , 

"We'll be taking our leave now." 

"San Lang." a voice came behind the entrance of the boudoir. 

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