I’m curled up into a ball surrounded by darkness. I feel so cold here. There’s no light here. No warmth. Just darkness and coldness. I felt nothing. It’s like I lost all feeling in my body. I’m just here in the dark. I’m scared. I’m lonely. I don’t know what happened. The last thing I remember was that I was in the club room with everyone. What happened while I was there? Did they kill me? It was going to happen; I guess. I didn’t think it would be so soon, though. No. Honestly, I thought I would already be dead. Where am I? Is this hell? Is this what I get for being brought back from the dead? Wait. Where is Joz? If I’m dead, then wouldn’t that mean he’s here?
“I’m here, but we aren’t in hell.” 
I slowly uncurled myself and saw a silhouette of a tall man in the distance. Since when was there a small light in here? Wait. Who is that tall man? I kept my eyes on him as I slowly stand up and hesitate walked closer to him. I’ve never seen him before, but it’s like I know him. How is that possible?
“It’s because you know me. You never met me but I’ve been with you for a while now.”
“Joz?” I ask, almost shocked, as he’s now in a body of his own.
“Yes, it’s me Lonnie dear.” Joz says coming closer, which helped me see his face.
Joz has long shaggy black hair, pale skin. His ears pointed, almost like an elf. I noticed he has medium-sized horns coming from his head that curves forward. I also notice that he had a long black tail. But what was more memorizing was his eyes. Joz’s eyes were glowing like what my eyes do now. Except for them being a pale blue, they are a glowing hazel and they move almost like stardust. I don’t understand it, but it’s beautiful. 
“Are you done observing me?” Joz asks, breaking my thoughts. 
“Oh, uh I-I’m sorry.” I apologized awkwardly.
“Don’t be. This is how every human reacts to this form.” Joz tells me.
“This form? You mean you have two forms?” I ask him.
“Yes. This one and our more monstrous form, which we use when we get summoned by humans or in battle.” Joz explains to me. 
“Why not just stay in this form?” I ask him. 
“Humans fear us and think us as monsters with powerful magic, so if we show up like this then they will think we are a joke. They won’t fear us as much and think they can overpower us because we look somewhat human. We have to keep the fear in their hearts.” Joz explains to me.
I open my mouth to ask another question, but Joz steps closer again, interrupting me as he says, “That was a very reckless thing you just did.”
“What?” I ask, confused.
“Do you know where you are?” Joz asks me seriously. 
“I-uh no.” I answer awkwardly. 
“We are in your mind. You freaked out and overwhelmed yourself when you use too much magic that you don’t know how to use or control. You could’ve killed us Lonnie.” Joz scolds me angrily.
“I-I’m sorry but-” I say but stop as I suddenly realized why I freaked out to begin with. I’m a demon, and he didn’t tell me even after he promised he’ll tell me everything now.
“You got to stay calm Lonnie, or else we-” Joz says, but this time I interrupted him when I say, “This wouldn’t have happened if you just told me I’m a demon now! Why did you leave that big fact out, huh?”
Joz stares at me before letting out a sigh as he answers with, “I didn’t tell you because you aren’t technically a demon, but you are. It’s complicated. You don’t have two forms, and you won’t grow a tail and horns. You won’t go to hell, well actually, that depends on you. You’re only part demon, if that makes sense. You have the appearance, magic, and the blood of a demon. But, your lifespan is still human. You’re still mostly human.” 
“But, how can I be mostly human if my blood and appearance are demon and I even have demon magic?” I ask him seriously. 
“Trust me, Lonnie dear, you’re mostly human.” Joz tells me.

I open my eyes, still hearing Joz’s last words to me. I’m mostly human, and I just have to trust him. Do I trust him, though? I slowly sit up as he seemed so angry when I used too much magic and overwhelmed myself. Why? You would think he would want me to die so he can go back to hell, where he lives. I’m so confused, and so tired. I just want to go back to my dorm room and sleep forever. I remove the blanket as I slowly stand up from the bed. I look around as memories from when I first woke up in this room. This was where Grimshaw first revealed why he was protecting me and that it was just because I amused him. So annoying. I shook my head as I walk towards the door and opening it. I peek out and saw nobody. Huh. That’s a first. I shrug as walk out and head straight for the door out of here. I grabbed the door handle but freeze when I felt someone behind me. I can tell by the aura that it is Grimshaw, it’s always him. 
I slowly turn around and nearly jump with how close he actually was. I took a step back, but my back hit the door. How typical. I glance up at Grimshaw, who stares down at me with his gray eyes, which looked like they got darker. I swallow nervously as I glance around the room, wondering where the hell he came from. I’m pretty sure I checked, and I didn’t see him out here. Where the hell was he hiding? He was using his voodoo magic again, wasn’t he? I glance back up at him as he stepped closer, making me blush out of embarrassment at how close we are. What does he want now?
“Where are you going?” He asks, sounding almost strange. 
“Um, I was going to go back to my room.” I tell him, confused. 
“Oh? You think you could come barging in here and not get punished?” Grimshaw asks, coming closer to me. 
“I-I-I uh-I think you’re too close.” I stammered, blushing awkwardly. 
“What? Have you never been this close to a guy before?” Grimshaw asks, moving his face closer to mine. 
My mind instantly drifted to Hector and how close we were together when we got trapped in that closet. My face turned redder at that thought, and I saw Grimshaw smirk as I slam my hands over my face. What is happening to me? Why is this happening to me? I just wanted to go back to my room and sleep, not get embarrassed like this. I felt my hands being removed from my beat red face and saw Grimshaw right there in front of me. Oh god! What does he want from me? Joz help me! I yell at him in my mind. 
“You want me to interrupt a love fest?” Joz asks. 
“This is not love! He’s torturing me! Help-” I didn’t finish my thought to Joz when suddenly I felt warm lips pressed against mine!
“Oh my. I shouldn’t be here.” Joz answers my unfinished thought. 
I couldn’t stop Joz from leaving as I couldn’t think of anything at the moment as I’m too shock. Why is he kissing me! Why is Grimshaw kissing me! This shouldn’t be happening right now. He hates me and was only protecting me because I amuse him. This shouldn’t be happening at all. I don’t like it! I can’t push him off. He’s too strong, and he has me pushed against the door. What do I do? I’m alone here. Somebody help me! I don’t want this at all. Ew! He’s forcing his tongue into my mouth and I want to gag! Get off me, asshole! 
“Fuck!” Grimshaw yells as he jumps back, holding his mouth before looking back up at me, “Did you just shock me?” 
“I-I don’t know.” I answer, as I’m completely clueless. 
“You shocked me with your magic! You think you’re so powerful now that you know you have demon magic, don’t you?” Grimshaw growls. 
“What? No! I just wanted you off me. I didn’t mean to shock you or whatever.” I answer as I grabbed the doorknob nervously. 
“What? Am I a terrible kisser or something? Whats the problem?” Grimshaw asks coming closer to me again, but I didn’t want to stay here any longer.
I opened the door and rushed out as fast as I could. I didn’t get far as I ran into Hector, who was on the other side of the door. I glanced up at him as I felt his aura circling around the area. Is he mad I rejected Grimshaw? Well shit. I pushed away from him as I ran away as fast as I could. I can’t deal with the club members anymore. I should have never come here to begin with. I guess I’m on my own. 

The ClubTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon