"È davvero fantastico, papà!"- I said with a big, excited smile, dashing inside our new private jet, which mamma and papà bough just a week ago, along with the other one, which our ladies took to Singapore. (This is so awesome, dad!)

"Sono molto contento che vi piaccia, miei principi

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"Sono molto contento che vi piaccia, miei principi."- replied papà with a smile, holding Lorenzo's and Federico's small hands while they are looking around, smiling adorably. (I am very glad you like it, my princes.)

While papà sat our little siblings in their special seats, we looked around, spotting by far the most amazing room ever - actual cinema room with bar filled with sweets. 

"This is getting better and better."- said with a bright smile Max as we nodded in absolute agreement. 

Out of the blue, we were scooped up in our big brothers' arms and they squeezed us tightly, making us laugh happily. Emi sat on Teo's shoulders, I settled on Dom's shoulders and Max sat on Adri's, the three of us hugging our elder brothers. 

"Come siete stati, piccoli signori? Vi siete presi cura della mamma e delle nostre sorelline mentre eravamo via?"- asked twins with smiles, approaching the bar and getting us our favourite Oreo cookies - pumpkin spice flavour. (How have you been, little gentlemen? Have you been taking care of mum and our little sisters while we were gone?)

"Sì, siamo stati molto bravi."- I replied happily, playfully ruffling Domenico's midnight black hair. (Yes, we've been really good.)

"Ci siamo presi cura delle nostre donne e siamo stati dei bravi signori."- added cheerily Max, smiling merrily. (We have been taking really good care of our ladies and we have been really good gentlemen.) 

We chatted about their studies at Harvard and went to the main lounge soon, having cookies to enjoy during the flight. 


I smiled, admiring my sons' bright, euphoric, sweet smiles and sparkles of excitement, joy in their eyes. 

Cami and I thought it will be good to spend girls-only and boys-only time. A trip sounded just right. 

"What will we do in Dubai, papà?"- asked happily Max, smiling adorably. 

"Oh, we will do lots of things. We will go on a cruise, hourseriding, we will have a desert safari, fly helicopter and many other cool things."- I replied with a content smile, feeling the most delighted as my boys grinned in cheerfulness, genuinely loving the named. 

When planning our trip, I arranged things for all of my sons - 17 year-old, 10, 7 and 2. There are things that go without saying, like shopping, play centres, some sightseeing whatsoever. I do not want them to be bored or do age inappropriate things. 

Except 1 thing that I will let my small boys do. 

"I will also take you to Ferrari drive-test."- I told them warmly, chuckling when Lucas, Emilio and Maximiliano dashed to be, squeezing me tightly. 

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