"I don't think so." Naomi let out a sigh at her words, that was all she wanted and this seemed like a good way to get rid of the mark. She might just have to find another one later on. The healers spell felt all weird and tingly as they applied it to Naomi's arm and all she could do was sit there and have an awkward conversation with someone she was sure didn't want to treat her. 

Naomi still couldn't bring her attention away from the Weasley family, yes she was certain she had just seen Ginny and Arthur stood there so she knew that it was them. It also meant that Ginny was pretty unscathed considering she was stood somewhere, but Naomi couldn't be sure. Something drastic had happened but she didn't know what. Though it would seem that focusing her unwavering attention on the ginger's figure brought said girls attention over to her. As Ginny soon approached to take the seat beside Naomi. 

"Ni, what happened?" Naomi could tell from Ginny's voice that she had been crying. the evidence was also backed up by the puffy red eyes and tear marks that Naomi could clearly see running down her face. 

"I couldn't let him kill her." Naomi shrugged not wanting to make it out to be much more than it was. She didn't want to put more on Ginny's shoulder. 

"It was Fred, he pushed Percy out of the way and got crushed by a wall."

"I'm really sorry Gin, I know he was one of your favourites." Naomi did feel bad she wasn't sure how she would react if her brother was killed in the fight.

"I do not have favourites." Ginny's words were lighthearted and Naomi thought for just a moment that maybe she was making it a little easier for the other girl.

"Yeah and Theo isn't my favourite brother." Naomi's teasing tone was evident at her words.

"He's your only one there's a difference."

"Still. I'm sorry I talked to him earlier he seemed really nice."

"The nicest." Naomi linked her right hand with Ginny's left as Ginny pressed into the girl as much as possible. The two taking just some time. 

"Is it gonna scar?" Ginny hinted towards Naomi's left forearm where the healer was still working.

"Yeah right down the middle of its fugly face." Naomi joked as she spoke but Ginny caught on that the girl wasn't happy about it.

"That's a good thing right, should render it useless." Ginny seemed to be focusing on cheering Naomi up instead of what had just happened.

"I'm not sure. I don't think it will stop working unless I lose my arm or he drops." Naomi hissed at the final part of the healing that hurt more than the rest of it. "Wanna help me cut off my arm?" Naomi was joking, kinda, and it seemed to work as Ginny laughed. 

Though the happy atmosphere the two girls had created was coming to a haltering stop. For the loud footfall coming from the same direction Ginny had previously walked over from was thunderous in the eerily silent great hall. Along with some rather aggressively shouted words. 

"Ginevra Molly Weasley, what do you think you're doing over there get away from her now!" Molly Weasley, the Weasley matriarch was one very scary lady. There was no denying that. And Naomi knew that it was probably best not to anger her, not after she lost one of her babies. It would make sense that just seeing Ginny with Naomi right now would be too much for the woman. As soon as the healer stood up and walked away Naomi was straight up onto her feet. She was making a move to step back and away from Ginny though their linked hands caused her to stop.

"No. Don't go anywhere Naomi." Ginny's voice also was not one to be argued with. And all Naomi could do was stand there very sheepishly. When Molly reached the two teenaged girls, she was even more angry that they had yet to separate. Naomi clutched onto Ginny tighter, she had never met the girls mother before and this was not a good impression. And she was scared. 

"Ginevra, why are you still here with her? It's because of people like her that your brother is dead." Naomi wasn't sure that Molly could get any more furious than she was in that very moment in time. It didn't feel like she could. 

"Mum you don't understand." Ginny tried to protest against her mother's anger. 

"I don't see that there is a lot to understand." Though her protests were falling on deaf ears considering she got no change in response at Molly's next words.

"Ginny, it's okay. I don't want to be the reason you and your mum fight today. I'll go and come find you later." Naomi rushed out her next words she really didn't want to cause such a massive fight between the two women, not after what they were experiencing. 

"No, Naomi they'll kill you if you go back out there." Ginny's words were also rushed at that moment in time, both girls running at 100 miles per hour. 

"It's okay." Naomi tried to show some positivity at Ginny's words. But she too knew that if the knowledge of her defection had gotten around, which it most likely had done by then, that Ginny was right. Traitors to the cause were dealt with swiftly. 

"Please mum we can't send her out there. Not after she defected please." Ginny turned her attention back to her mother, ready to plead to keep Naomi safe, anything in that moment in time. 

"Defected yeah right a Nott." Molly couldn't believe her ears, and Naomi wished she could be angry at those words. But she couldn't considering just how involved her brother and father were in the cause. 

"She did it for me mum. She's been working with us since December. If Snape can be a double agent why couldn't Naomi be?" Ginny spurted what was probably still confidential information loud enough for the whole hall to hear. Probably not her best idea. 

"Why would she do it for you?" Molly still wasn't getting behind this idea.

"She's my girlfriend mum. Has been since September. Before she was forced into being a death eater." Ginny squeezed Naomi's hand and Naomi squeezed back, just so they could remember that they were there for each other. This wasn't the way that Naomi was to be introduced to Ginny's mother, nor was it how Ginny expected to tell her mum that she was dating a girl. 

"Ginny, why? Why didn't you tell me?" Molly was still furious that much was true but Naomi wasn't sure where her anger was placed anymore. She didn't like the idea of finding out either.

"Because you reacted just like I thought you would when you saw me with a Nott." 

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