Chapter 8: Ghost of a vampire

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When Ellanora Gilbert woke up she was in some sort of field, It confused the Gilbert witch.

She started to sit up but immediately looked up when she heard a familiar voice

"Hello love" When she looked up she was met with icy blue eyes. Then she saw the hand of the fimilair character holding it out for her to take. Nora took the hand and stood up.

" Hey" Nora greeted softly but she knew the vampire could hear her.

" how are you here?" The vampire asked. Nora smiled at the Bloodsucker but she wasn't sure how she got here  either.

" Well i was saving a kidnapped vampire from a secret society that tortures and runs tests on vampires...when I saw my sister getting stabbed and i lost control of my magic..oh BTW I'm a witch...then i passed out and woke up here" The witch explained but when she saw the look of confusion on the vampire's face she chuckled realizing what was wrong.

" BTW means By the way" The Gilbert explained to The vampire.

"Oh" Nora wanted to giggle at the embarrassment displayed on the original's face.

" My name is Rebekah , charmed I'm sure" The blonde original beauty introduced herself.

"Ellanora...Ellanora Gilbert..and I'm most certainly charmed" Yhe Gilbert witch smirked making the original blush

" Ellanora" The vampire tested the witch's name in her mouth.

" my brother run's with witches so i know a few things here and there...So i think i know what might've happened" Rebekah said. The blonde never really had friends so she was excited that she fianlly has one that she might disappear or worse hate her. She didn't want her Friend to know her last name Afraid she night run scared.

' Because you used too much magic your body passed out but your conscious is stuck here..until you awaken" Rebekah said softly.

" oh ,thank.." the witch was cut off when she felt herself being awoken. She looked at the vampire sadness written all over the blonde's face.

Imagine the shock on Nora's face when she wakes up in another unfamiliar place but this time not in a field but in a room.

" Hello there love" The witch immediately made a run for it when she heard the voice of Klaus mikaelson.

The soon to be hybrid vampire sped towards her and pinned her against the  wall.

' Kinky" The witch commented trying to ease the te tension.

" What are you doing here witch?" Klaus demanded still looking at the beautiful brunnette in front of him.

She reminded him of someone, someone he hadn't seen in centuries.

"I..don't know" The witch wispered.

" WHAT.." Klaus screamed in anger before throwing the witch across the room, but luckily she was able to land on her feet..thank you gymnastics.

" okay what the hell dude" Nora started to yell back at the original when he started speeding to her and pinning her againt the wall this time with his hands on her throat choking her.

" Second time in this position...ya sure you don't wanna ya know?" Nora couldn't help but wisper.

" Wha.." The original was cut off when Nora immediately woke up. This time in her bed.

" what the hell" The witch wispered but she then looked over to see her best friend, Vicki sleeping next to her. She looked so peaceful and it made the brunette smile.

" hello there gorgeous" The god given voice of Lorenzo snt.John could be heard from outside the bedroom door

" May we enter or are you.." Ellanora Gilbert has never screamed so loud in her life after she heard the voice of Sebastian  from Legacies. The gril didn't like Sebastin but...Thomas Doherty was beyond hot his accent made her swoon. But she was confused to why be was here wasn't he supposed to be desiccated or something?.

Hearing her scream the two vampjre's entered the room seeing the witch sitting on the bed looking perfectly fine accept for the look of confusion on her face.

After hearing her crush screaming Vicki immediately woke up and took a gun from under the pillow.

" what's wrong doll ?" The Human asked The witch. Then she noticed the two Augustine vampire's and she rolled her eyes , put her gun back from under the pillow and went back to sleep.

" I'm sorry for screaming earlier" the witch spoke.when the two vampires left her room she immediately went to get changed.. before putting another silencing spell around each room.

" oh no it's not a problem..not like you broke our sensitive ears or anything" Sabastian commented sarcastically before earning a nudge on the shoulder from Enzo.

" don't talk to our saviour like that Sab" Enzo commented. Sabastian looked at the girl in front of him, she was beautiful, had beautiful brown hair and dark brown eyes that kept you hypnotised but there was a specific person who had caught his eyes though..the beautiful Blonde who had taken charge when her friend fainted.

When Tyler found him in one of the other cages , the vampire immediately drianed the left over Security gaurds and went to see his friend already out. When he saw a beautiful brunette about to fall into the ground he immediately caught her.

Sabastian had caught Nora before she hit the ground.  When Elena woke up she was scared when she saw her sister unconscious. Everyone started to panick but Caroline calmed everyone down.

" is she okay?" Enzo asked for the 10th time while on their way back to the Gilbert house

When they all got there they saw that Jeremy and Davina had snitched on them tetlling Jenna what the group were up to. Apparently it was " payback" for not including them on the rescue mission.

But Jenna wasn't really mad , inpressed yes but far from mad.

"We would like to fhank you for saving us from.." Enzo started to thank the girl. The two Augustine vampires had already thanked everyone else.

" you guys are welcome" Ths Witch said with a smile

" What time is it?" Nora asked when she noticed it was still dark out.

" i don't know?" Sabastian gave the girl a phone and she read it was 4:23 AM.

"Are you feeling better gorgeous?" Before Nora could answer the Gilbert witch she once again fainted.

But this time to come face to face with the original witch.

I know Sabastian is like not in TVD but i wanted to make the show more interesting. Plus this will scare our girl Nora because she doesn't have what's happening.

And why does Nora keep meeting the Originals?

Also Two updates in one day...

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