chapter 14: seventeen wishes part 3

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" Hey Nora" Kai greeted quietly almost sounding nervous. He watched the girl who has been occupying his mind for the past few days since they met and she disappeared.

When a Bannet witch released him from the prison world he  has been stuck in for the past 15 year, he was wary at first but as soon as said Bannet mentioned HER name he was immediately  all in on the birthday suprise.

"Kai" Nora smiled but turned to all her friends who seemed to know something about this. Vicki, Caroline, Bonnie , Davina , Matt ,Tyler and even Jer seemed to be all in on this birthday plot.

"'d you guys get him out?"Everyone was just chilling,  eating cake and chatting amongst one another with music at the back.

"Well when you told me and Care about Kai , we decided to gather the gang without you or Elena mainly cause we were also trying to plan your suprise party...So I explained to Grams about my knowledge of witches and what they stand for...and thst being a witch doesn't mean we better and that we should be trapping people in prison worlds"  Bonnie started to explain  to the Gilbert witch who was highly interested in the details of how a newby witch and a fourteen year old witch could possibly break THE kai parker out the prison world without her.

"So we got grams to help us and we slowly worked on getting the ingredients on how to get him out" Bonnie continued.

" i broke into an ex witch's house" Jeremy felt the need to add making his older sister laugh...oh jo  is gonna be pissed.

"Yeah he did along with Tyler , anyways we got the ingredients ,  Did the spell and Vicki , Davina , Bonnie and Caroline went to the prison world to try and convince him to first he was suspicious then he immediately hopped on when we mentioned your name and that it was for ýou." Matt explained the rest to Nora.

" Then he just stayed at our place for two dsys" Matt finished the story making Nora laugh at her friends but noticed Elena talking to Marcel.

"Look i know you are going through something, i understand that, but so is everyone else...You not the only one grieving your parents deaths...Jenna , Jeremy and Nora are also still hurt by it and are trying to get through it together but as long as you continue your bullshit you won't be able to move forward with them...get yourself together El" Marcel could be heard by many in the room scolding Elena the one person who made it obvious though was Davins who giggled but immediately stopped when getting the stink eye from Jenna.

" I know..i just" Elena tried to make an excuse for her actions but Marcel shook his head.

" Jenna told me about the incident with your teacher and i also understand how traumatic that must be but Elena all people wanna do is help you but you are trying to make it seem like we hate you or we are playing favorites or  we're making you out to he the villain when we all love you in this room otherwise we wouldn't be here" Marcel concluded his speech by hugging the girl who seemed to be once again in tears.

"Um not to be rude but i don't know her and only here for Ella" Kai parker immediately spoke out indicating he overheard the conversation but got a death glare from Nora in return making him smile innocently at her.

"Let's not fight...we still have like 2 hours till 12 so let's have a good time" And with that everyone went back to their own conversations , drinking, eating leaving gifts for the twins and just having fun.

There was a slow song playing and Nora's hand was immediately swung up from the chair she was sitting on by kai who insisted on a dance with the lovely witch.

" are you feeling?" Melkai parker never really had any  'crushes' or lovers to say...maybe it was cause he was stuck in a prison world alone for a long time, or maybe it was his family who never allowed him to enjoy the little things in life , maybe it was his fears of not being enough for anyone or maybe it was the pent up rage and trauma from his past that made him incapable of feeling love but right now he felt happy. Dancing with somr
Who made him smile but also he was a bit awkward with the lack of knowledge on socail interactions.

"I'm great actually and you?" Kai wasn't sure how to answer that question. To anyone else it seemed like a simple,  ordinary,  day to day question but no one has every cared what kai was feeling or how he was doing.

" Nervous but happy to be out that prison" He went with the answer that sseemed most simple but described his emotions. Ellanora Gilbert could certainly tell Kai was opening up really quickly with her and she was happy. Then the two fell into silence...there was clear tension though.

" Tbey caught me up on who you are and your family and so on" Kai blurted out ruining the silence.

" Who's your favorite amongsg my friends then?" Out of curiosity Ellanora asked wondering who kai parker would become besties with.

"Tyler..he's not bad" With that Bonnie gasped from behind the dancing pair making them both look at her.

" i would've thought it would be the witch who went against her ancestors to save your ass and maybe the same person  who can put you tight  back into that prison but its cool" Nora just laughed at her friend's antics while Kai seemed a little worried

"Good luck with that" Nora left giggling.

Later on that night in the Gilbert household while everyone was sound asleep Nora entered her twin's room.

"Lena you awake?" Nora asked loudly knowing her sister's toom was sound proof.

"Yeah" Elena responded. Nora entered her sister's bed covers and layed on her back while the other did the same.

" I'm not gonna apologize for the things I've said cause you needed hear them but i wanna say that me and you have both had it tough these past few months and it's not easy to wake up in the morning and know mom and dad won't be there...knowing that all our birthday's will never be the same , Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween heck nothing will ever be the same that's why we need to be there for one another, stick up for each other and yes I'm not always gonna agree with you infact sometimes I'll wanna slap you but i still love you and always will" Nora said before getting off the bed and was about to leave when Elena grabbed her hand.

"Sleepover?" Elena asked with a smile but Nora shook her head no.

" we both need to cool off but sister's day out tomorrow on me" Nora suggested wiping the immediate sadness that was evident in her sister's face.

"Sure and you can tell me about Kai..." Elena started to tease making her sister laugh.

" oh shut up" Nora Stuck her tongue out before greeting her sister goodnight and leaving the room.

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