chapter 7: Connections

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" good evening  miss Lonez" Came the voice of none other than Tristan De martel from the other side of the phone.

The past few weeks have been hectic after Elena told her sister what had happened to her. Elena eventually told Jeremy and the 14 soon to be 15 year old boy was ready to kill.

At the grill sat Caroline, Tyler , Vicki and Bonnie who were all called to by The Gilbert witch when Nora's phone rang and and there was uknown caller ID. Something told her to answer it and she soon regretted right away.

" good Evenning sir , may i ask who i am currently speaking to?" The witch recognized the voice but the two haven't met like ever , so it would be weird for her to know him by his name.

She knew that slater must have gave the Vampire her number, because only Slater called hee Miss Lonez...considering she lied to him about her last name. Well she didn't lie she just used her previous surname for safety measures.

" Ah you are speaking to Tristan de Martel , leader of the strix" The cocky Vampire introduced. Right next to Nora sat Caroline with a frown.

The vampire had accidentally went through her friend's diary one night while at a sleepover and she was glad she did though otherwise she would be looking like Vicki who could also hear the conversation considering Nora was in the middle of the two.

" Nora Lonez Its a pleasure to be acquainted" The witch politely said. The others on the table beaides Caroline looked even moee confused as to why their friend was lying , but didn't question it.

" Oh I'm aware dear , I was informed you wanted to discuss business , i must admit  i was very much intrigued by your offer" The first sireling of Elijah mikaelson said.

" May we discuss it later i am occupied at the moment with family matters" Nora said as soon as she saw who entered the grill , Stefan Salvatore. The witch wasn't suprised anymore considering she had changed so much that him coming into the plot early didn't suprise her.

" I'm well aware how important family is so i shall leave you to attend to those matters but i would like to receive a call by the end of the day" Before Nora could answer Tristan hung up. She was not surprised that bastard loved having the last word from what she observed on The originals.

The witch had gotten slater a list of people she wanted him to contact and she even payed him handsomely. She had saved so much money since she was a kid and she did a few jobs around the town and even when they went on their holidays the girl would try and get money. She had huge plans that would help her in the future , she needed as many allies as possible whether she liked them or not she needed them.

The people Nora asked slater to get in touch with

Katherine pierce
Tristan de martel
Lucian castle
Trevor and Rose
Alexia bransom
Antoinette Sienna ( She liked her character and she knew she can sway the vampire and her brother away from their manipulative sick mother)
Haley marshell
Elijah mikaelson

She couldn't approach klaus just yet, it's not a smart to do that.

Most of these people she just needed to persuade so they don't do stupjd thing the rest she needed as allies or friends.

" So we're going to rescue a kidnapped vampire?" Caroline forbes asked her friends.  Tyler , Bonnie , Matt , Vicki , Elena, Caroline and Nora were standing outside Whitmore collage. The group had gotten a message on the group chat  " The Scooby gang"   saying they should bring as many weapons as possible and that they need to meet outside Whitmore collage at 9 o clock during night time.

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