chapter 9 : wicked witch of the dead

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" oh hell no" were the first words to come out of Ellanora Gilbert when she woke up in front of Esther mikaelson the wicked witch who is hell bent of killing her children

" Hello child" Esther spoke in a soothing northerly voice that anyone could have felt for accept for Ellanora who was aware of the women's antics.

"No not this bitch..." Nora mumbled to herself ignoring Esther completely.

" Ellanora Gilbert I've been watching you for years now" Esther once again tried to sound kind and motherly but Nora wouldn't take it.

" Not creepy at all" Nora snapped back at the original witch.

" My apologies dear but me and you have lots to discuss" The original witch said with a convincing smile but honestly Nora wanted to slap her.

" i tbink I've seen this film before and i didn't like the ending" Nora mumbled the lyrics to Taylor swift 'exile'.

" Dear.." Esther was getting irritated by thw young girl who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here.

" Esther honestly I'm not in the mood for your bullshit , whatever lies you've cooked up in that demonic head of yours keep them to yourself because i won't fall for them" Nora snapped at the witch just wanting to go home and figure out how the hell Thomas Duarte...i mean Sabastian was there.

" Such vile words" Esther said sounding disappointed almost.

"And such ignorance" Nora fired back at the witch not Afraid.

" we have to discuss the destruction of my children , as you can tell my children have caused many deaths and..." Nora started humming to herself ignoring Esther once again.

" Did we not establish that i won't be falling for your devilish lies?" Nora snapped once again at the witch.

" I love my children..." This time Nora slapped Esther across the face shocking the original witch.

" are you deaf? Oh no just have to replace the f with a d" Nora once again couldn't help herself but sass the older witch.

" How dare you??" Esther screamed at the younged witch but before she could do any real harm Nora was teleported somewhere else.

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" oh for the love of Loki" Nora screamed frustrated and pissed off having to see another mikaelson parent.

" Hello child...Who are you? How are you here? What are you doing here?" The desecrated Mikealson asked.

" Hello abomination, who i am? Best you don't know, And for what it's worth i don't want to be here either" Nora wasn't even gonna conversate with this one. She tried her hardest to disappear and she did.

But she found herself somewhere else..somewhere she definitely didn't wanna be.

She knew exactly where she was , the silence of the place and how there was no one made it easier to identify.

She was terrified, She knew who she was about to meet and she honestly wasn't ready..she didn't want to meet him.

Nora positioned her hands and she did a small protection spell , she wasn't stupid she knew she was im danger

Oh lord she was gonna die by the hands of Malachai parker

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