"Y-yeah , let's go" Xie Lian replied with a slight blush on his face. 

They proceeded to head downstairs outside the mansion where two men stood against a black sedan . He Xuan looked striking in his white t-shirt , tucked in black plaids paired with white sneakers and his hair pushed back , which was a different style He Xuan approached for, than usual.  

On the other hand , Hua Cheng looked attractive in a fawn colored sweatshirt , wearing similar joggers paired with white sneakers and his hair let loose , not one but both He Xuan and Hua Cheng approached a completely different look for the day. 

A visible blush appeared on both Xie Lian and Shi QingXuan's faces , they didn't imagine seeing them both in colors other than crimson or black . It was definitely a shocker. 

"Well hello to you Shi QingXuan." He Xuan said while staring at Shi QingXuan smiling ever so slightly.

"Well a very good afternoon to you , you look quite different from usual I must say ." Shi QingXuan remarked. 

" Well i wanted to put in some effort today." He Xuan replied. 

While He Xuan and Shi QingXuan were busy "flirting" , Hua Cheng noticed Xie Lian's  was acting quite unusual , he didn't hesitate to go near him and inquire if something was wrong. 

"Hey , is something wrong? you don't seem good." 

Xie Lian was definitely taken aback , he didn't know that Hua Cheng would know him this well , he thought if he was being too obvious. 

"No , nothing is wrong , haha." Xie Lian replied hesitantly. 

Hua Cheng knew he wasn't telling him something , but wanted to respect his choice . 

" All right , let me know if something is wrong." Hua Cheng replied while smiling ever so gently. 

" U BOTH LISTEN , we have got a problem." Shi QingXuan said. 

"What is it Shi ? " Xie Lian asked. 

" I just remembered that I had to visit a friend , he is one of my old high school batch mates , they are having a reunion , and turns out me and He Xuan have to go there , So how about you guys go on and have fun." Shi QingXuan said while slightly rubbing the back of his head. 

"Ehhhh??? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Xie Lian asked. 

"Sorry , it  just striked me , let me accompany you next time , we really have to go now ." Shi QingXuan said while holding He Xuan's hand and practically dragging him to the car. 

"He Xuan why didn't you tell me you had to go somewhere?" Hua Cheng asked in a cold tone. 

" Well , it just skipped my mind , let me accompany you next time , SEE YA." He Xuan responded in a hurry. 

As both of them drove away , they couldn't help but break into a laughter. 

"OMG HAHAHAHAH , their faces geez." Shi QingXuan said while dying from laughter. 

"Hua Cheng was definitely taken aback , when do you even think of such stuff? you never cease to amaze me." He Xuan commented.

"I had to do it , Xie Lian was in a bad mood and Hua Cheng is practically the only person to make him feel better and plus I wanted to spend some time with you."

Shi QingXuan's eyes widened when he realized what he had said , he couldn't help but feel that he was being too obvious or was he being too greedy. 

"I mean , we never get to spend some time together, so i thought this was a good chance to reminiscence old times." Shi QingXuan replied while making lies out of thin air. 

" So where do you wanna go ? " He Xuan inquired. 

" how about we go to a place of your liking today?" Shi QingXuan asked.

"Is that really the Shi QingXuan I know , is he asking me to take someplace i like?" He Xuan said while mocking Shi QingXuan. 

"Oh shut up, you should be thankful that I am being nice to you." 

" Of course ,of course, i am." He Xuan replied. 

i am grateful for every moment i spend with you.

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