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Hello sweethearts 🖤

Let's start.......

In the garden.

Helly's pov.

They played a trick on me first. But now he blamed me for that. Arrgghhhhh what should I do with them. Here, I came but I can't find any cat. Let's call her.
"Cat" "Cat" Now where is this cat? Suddenly I heard a sound "meow" Oh there she is. I went towards the bushes but suddenly i was on the ground . "Ouchhh" But wait why I feeling that there's something so heavy on me. I looked only to find a big dog. "U are cat?" "Woof" "So why name a dog after a cat?".

Helly's pov end.

In evening

Helly:Huff. finally done.
But now I am full wet. Arrgghhh.
God you are blind??!!!


Inside Royal garden
In kitchen.

Helly:oh because of them I forgot to buy vegetables. Hope there is something to eat in the fridge. (She opens it) Oh god it is also empty.
There's only flour in the fridge. I am dead.


After half an hour

On dinig table.

(Helly served the food and stood beside rrahul)

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(Helly served the food and stood beside rrahul).

Helly:Sir, please have it.

Rrahul:Helly sit down and eat with us.

Helly:Thank you sir.

(She sat near aryan and everyone started eating it.)

Aryan:Hey ugly. Why is there no meat in your food?

Helly:(mind) enjoy the meal I have prepared for you all. (To Aryan) Sir I am vegetarian.

"Woof woof"

Rrahul:what is cat doing here?

Aryan:and it's like looking at our bowls.

Rrahul 😅: is the meat from?.......

Aryan:Dog food?

Vishal:(stood up) Helly!!
(But she was gone already)



Rrahul:(mind) damn it. How dare she give me dog food? I will never let her go!!

Vishal:Rrahul. Please You made me wanna throw up again.....

Aryan:Is it really that bad? Why do i think it's tasty?



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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