Chapter 13 - Cold - Looks Like a Bird, But- Oh, an Assassin

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Luckily, Mel managed to heal Kristen enough so that she could walk on her own. Cold's arms were starting to get sore from carrying her such a long distance.

The night was setting in quicker than Cold had anticipated. He thought the day would last a few more hours, but the sun had decided to take an early rest. At first, Cold thought that everything would be okay. They've traveled when it's dark before, everything should be fine.

When the moon had settled in, Cold and his friends finally made it to Cadleigh. But at the first town they passed through, something was off.

"What in the..." Kristen commented when they first spotted the place.

The houses reminded Cold of something lost at the back of his head. But what was clear was that something bad had happened to this village. Cracks were on the walls, there wasn't a single lamp or candle, and certainly not a person in sight.

"Does Cadleigh have towns like these?" Cold asked Solla who shrugged. "Granted, I've never been to Cadleigh before," she replied, "But knowing Cadleigh, I'm pretty sure they don't have improperly maintained towns. Even if nobody lives there anymore."

"If that is the case, then something must have happened here?" Kura guessed.

"We should just keep going until we reach the capital," Rayn reminded, "That's where we can help the most people."

Cold opened his mouth to agree, but the sound of Mel's blade being swiftly drawn stopped him.

"Is there something, Mel?" he asked and turned to face the girl, but she wasn't where he thought she was.

"Mel?" Kura called, but there was no reply.

"We better find where she is," Kura decided.

"I'm right here," Mel called as she sheathed her knives.

"What were you doing?" Cold inquired. But Mel didn't reply and just continued through the town.

"I'll go talk to her," Rayn suggested and raced after Mel.

"I think we should move quickly," Kura suggested.

Just as Cold was about to reply, something at the corner of his eye drew his attention. He tried to spot it in the trees, but there was nothing.

"What is it, Cold?" Kura asked.

"N-Nothing I guess," Cold replied, "Let's just keep going-"

There was a high-pitched scream. It was loud, so Cold guessed that it was close.

"Solla!" Kristen exclaimed as the three of them quickly sprung into action.

Cold scanned the town, trying to spot the blacksmith girl. But he couldn't see her anywhere.

"Cold! Kristen!" Kura cried. Cold turned around to see what she was crying out about. But he didn't see her there or anywhere.

"Kristen?!" Cold called out.

"Watch out, Blockhead!" came her reply.

Cold's eyes dashed around, trying to figure out what's going on. But he didn't see anyone, not even his friends.

"Rayn! Mel!" he tried again.

Immediately, Cold felt himself being pushed as something whizzed past this ear.

"Stay alert, Cold," Rayn appeared behind him.

"What's going on?!" Cold raised his spear. But Rayn didn't reply. Instead, he was gone.

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