Chapter 11 - Kristen - Love or Hatred?

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Kura and the Guardian of the Night had mentioned the name of this place—Liatrez. Though the word sounded beautiful, it sounded dry in Kristen's tongue.

After skirting the water of a river to pass through to Liatrez, Solla counted that they had only three days left to stop the war. It wasn't much time in Kristen's opinion, but they couldn't do anything about it. Solla also mentioned that Cadleigh is right next to Liatrez, so they should be able to make it in two days if all goes according to plan.

Kristen watched the sunrise as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. The breeze was dry and fast, quickly blowing past the tall blades of orange and pale yellow grass. Sighing happily, Kristen got up and stretched her sore muscles.

It was always like that. Kristen always woke up first. But she didn't mind it one bit. Kristen had always enjoyed the morning time alone. It gave her a chance to breathe and refocus.

The second to stir was Mel. She quietly headed over to where Kristen was stretching—just a few paces away from their friends—and sat on the ground near her.

"Good morning to you too," Kristen greeted her as Mel sighed silently.

"Rough night?" Kristen sat down next to Mel as she nodded.

The two sat in silence as the sun rose higher and higher.

"We should wake up our friends," Kristen suggested and Mel nodded.

"I'll go do that. You go freshen up a bit," Kristen added and Mel once again nodded.

Kristen headed over to her friends and shook them up. Despite all of them being tired, they woke up easily.

"Hey," Cold grabbed Kristen's wrist before she could go and do something else, "you good?"

"Duh," Kristen replied, raising an eyebrow, "Why'd you ask?"

"You didn't shoot me with water."

Kristen tried to think of a response. She didn't like this feeling of unclarity. "I-I just didn't feel like it," Kristen decided before tugging her wrist free from Cold's grip.

The group quickly got their things together and walked through the sharp grass. Though it should've felt foreign, Kristen remembered this feeling.

"Are we heading in the right direction?" Kura asked after a bit. The only thing that stretched out for miles was grasslands. There were only a few trees nearby and no water source so far.

"Cadleigh's to the east, so we should still be on track," Solla replied.

"It'd be nice if we ran into some people-"

"No," Kristen blurted, interrupting Cold.

"You sure you're okay, Kristen? You've been quiet since we woke up."

"Aww, you miss my pranks, B-Blockhead?" Kristen couldn't help but stumble at the last word. Why was it suddenly hard to do anything? Even her tease didn't sound confident.

"Kristen, you can tell us if there's something wrong," Cold tried to grab her shoulder, but Kristen swatted his hand away. "There's nothing wrong."

"Maybe we should take a break first-"

"No, we don't have much time to spare. We have to keep moving," Kristen argued, prompting Kura to fidget her fingers in nervousness.

"Guys, look!" Rayn called for their attention. Kristen was relieved that they could finally focus on something else.

Heading towards them was a group of people in red and brown clothing. They carried all sorts of long-range weapons: bows, whips, and more.

"Should we trust them?" Cold asked.

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