Chapter 5 - Kristen - Solla

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Mel led them to another much warmer area. Despite that, Kristen would still fancy someplace that actually makes her sweat from just standing around under the sun.

Speaking of the sun, without its heat, the night was incredibly cold. If it weren't for Mel's loaned scarf, Kristen wasn't sure how she'd survive barely moving in the cold. She couldn't even survive this Cold!

"Where are we?" Cold asked Mel whose eyes darted around. "I don't know what this place is called, but we're away from anyone-"

Mel stopped abruptly as her eyes widened. She pointed to their right, "That way."

"I can hear someone calling for help from that direction," Rayn added.

"Yes, there. That person."

"Let's go then!" Cold decided as the group dashed that direction.

Although they've been running for a long time, Kristen was still energized and could run even farther. It was great that she had her guns with her too. The feeling of the grips in contact with her fingers eased her weariness and further fueled her energy.

"Where is the danger?" Cold asked after half a minute of running.

"Here," Mel directed, dashing into a cave.

Was it just Kristen, or is Mel really gullible to whoever is calling? But then again, knowing Mel, she's probably thought things through, lah.

Dashing inside, it didn't take long to find the blonde figure being cornered by some large creature. It reminded Kristen of the monsters back at Ferry or whatever the place was called.

The monster was basically like the monsters at Ferry, but larger and a different shade of color. Screw it, an entirely different color. Back at Ferry, they were blue, while this one had green and purple crystals.

Kristen was surprised that this thing can fit into a cave like this. Then again, it was a pretty big cave.

"Help!" the blonde cried out as the creature advanced, swinging its great arm at her.

Moving quickly, Kristen was the first to reach the girl. She pushed her out of the way just in time before the monster landed its blow.

"Thanks," the girl smiled at Kristen. She had brown eyes and tanned skin. Though the one thing that stood out to Kristen was her muscular arms. Not that they were vividly seen, Kristen just noticed them when she knocked her out of the way.

"No problem," Kristen helped her up as the two ran for the entrance.

Despite all hands on deck, everyone still had some difficulty fighting the monster. Mostly because nobody's weapons were doing much. The only one able to do something to the monster was Kura, but it was only a simple stun or trap.

"What is that thing?" Cold asked as he dodged a swing.

"That's a golem!" the girl replied, "A creature of ore and earth!"

"How do we beat it?" Kristen asked.

"Either freeze it or deactivate it," the blonde replied as the two reached the mouth of the cave.

"Deactivate?" Kura asked her.

"Some kind of core crystal," the girl replied as she panted, "Basically the heart of the golem."

"Isn't the term for that 'kill' ya?" Kristen joked.

"I'd rather avoid using that word," the girl smiled sheepishly.

"What's your say?" Kristen asked Cold who tried blocking a punch with his spear.

Which is dumb.

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