"What's with the yelling? Are you students from Shujin?" two cops walked up to us having heard Ryuji yell.

"Cutting classes, are we?" I suppose that's a fair assumption.

"Huh? No. We were going to school and we ended up at a weird castle," Ryuji answered. I facepalmed as a result. As if they'll believe that.

"Haah, hand over your bag. You better not be doing any drugs," the cop said.

"W-why would you think that!?" Ryuji asked in disbelief wondering how they came to that conclusion.

As for me, on the outside my face is neutral. On the inside, I am trying very hard not to laugh at that leap in logic.

The other cop turned towards me. "Are you his friend?"

"Uh, something like that," I'm not sure if I'm his friend or not yet.

"Then you should go to school and take him with you."

"Look, I don't know what's goin' on here either, but there was a castle," Ryuji kept on insisting.

"Haah, we passed by Shujin earlier and there is no castle there," the cop said, already tired of this.

"C'mon, say something," Ryuji whispered to me as if anything I say will change their minds.

"Haah, let's get going," I said. There's no point in continuing this.

"That's not what meant..." But Ryuji realized I was already walking away.

"Wait a sec! Are you for real!? Ryuji started catching up.

~ Shujin Academy – Lunch Time ~

We arrived back at the school and Ryuji was surprised that it looks like how it's supposed to be and not a castle. The counselor was waiting for us and came out trying to figure out where we were. Ryuji half-heartedly said a castle, which caused me to facepalm once again. Then Kamoshida came out and pushed Ryuji's buttons by mentioning the track team. Predictably Ryuji was going to argue back but the counselor cut in taking Kamoshida's side cracking down on us even harder and taking Ryuji with him.

Now I'm out here alone... with Kamoshida. Haah, God, get me out of here.

"Have we met somewhere before?" He asked. "Miss...?"

"Emiya," I answered crossing my arms, wanting this to be over. "You drove up in a car to pick up a girl."

"Right, at the station," He replied. Looking me over, he smirked. "You know, it's not a good first impression, showing up a few hours late to school on your first day."

I said nothing and just looked at him with a blank face, revealing nothing.

"Tell you what, I'll overlook this for today. I am a teacher and it is my job to look out for my students," he said with a smile. "My name carries a lot of weight around here. So, just stay out of trouble and you won't regret it."

"I'll keep that in mind," I simply said.

"Good, good. You should head on in. I'm sure your homeroom teacher is tired of waiting," He started to head back inside the school but stopped and turned around. "Oh, if you plan on playing any sports, we can use more members on the volleyball team. You look like the athletic type so I'm sure you'll make it.

With a friendly smile, that creeped me out a bit, he went inside.

Haah, not even halfway through the day and I'm already tired. Being near Kamoshida is draining. Although I did complete the main quest so that's something.

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