Chapter 10 - Mel - Nox

Start from the beginning

Raising her arms again, Kura tried to defend herself and Mel. She willed the stone tiles of the catacombs to rise and strike Nox, but they just passed through his dark body.

Rayn threw his knife that was linked to a string. Nox easily dodged his knife, took the string, and pulled it into two.

Cold and Kristen charged again as Mel and Kura backed away. Solla eventually came in and threw something at Nox's legs, binding them and impairing his mobility.

"Mortal inventions," Nox smiled at the thing around his legs, "cute."

With a snap of his fingers, Nox unleashed a powerful wave that threw everyone towards the walls. The only one unaffected by it was Mel who now faced to face with Nox.

Peering into his black eyes again, Mel was reminded of their first fight. The other man who looked exactly like him had warned her about her, but she wasn't prepared last time. This time, she's learned her lesson.

"What's the matter, little one? Not going to fight like you did last time? Not going to slash your puny knives at me and try to-"

In one swell motion, Mel had struck Nox with her hand, straight through Nox's body. The shadow should be most affected by a direct light spell.

Nox staggered back as Mel took in a deep breath and raised her palms to face herself. The light spell wasn't the easiest to perform and was certainly not the safest either. It wasn't an elemental attack, but rather that unique magic. That's why it affected Nox really well.

"Tch," Nox grunted as he regained his footing, "Good, good!"

Nox raised his arms and Mel noticed something behind her. Undead warriors. They were all advancing creepily and holding different kinds of weapons.

Striking quickly, Nox made his spear appear and charged at Mel who easily dodged his linear attack. The next volley of attacks that Nox sent at Mel were all easily dodged as though she could read his next moves.

As time went on, Mel noticed that Nox's frustration grew. She bet that he was expecting an easy fight that would end in just a few strikes. But seconds turned into minutes and he was still unable to get Mel.

"We have to get out of here!" Cold shouted.

"The last door is that one over there!" Commander Coleb pointed at the door behind Nox, "The undead should not be able to withstand the sun."

"The sun is long gone!" Mel shouted, "Nox can only appear when it's night." She grunted as she dodged another one of Nox's attacks and used his momentum to strike.

Mel's mind raced as she tried to think of a way out. The catacombs were foreign ground to her. Besides, if there was another exit, the pathways are swarmed with undead warriors.

"Guys, just leave me here. I'll be fine," Mel told them.

"Mel, no," Kristen argued.

"Nox is dangerous," Mel grunted, "Only certain attacks can work against him and this is only his beginning stage."

"Then you won't be fine!" Cold argued.

Frustrated, Mel raised her palm and shot some kind of beam straight at Nox's chest, consequently knocking him to the wall and momentarily stunning him.

Scrunching her brows, she turned to face Cold. "You all have to stop the war from escalating! I'll be fine, just save the world!" Mel pointed her knives at each hallway leading to that room and the undead were shot backward.

"Go!" Mel ordered as she turned to face Nox who was already striking at her.

"No!" Cold argued as he blocked Nox's attack with his spear, "We're not leaving you behind."

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