Chapter 9 - Kura - Change in Leon

Start from the beginning

Kura looked into Leon's eyes. She tried to see through his act. But there was no other layer. All she saw was kindness and love.

"You must've been through a lot," Leon held her hands, "Let me help you be yourself again."

"I'm perfectly fine."

Leon smiled.


"Contractions," he told Kura who immediately looked away. She could not warm up to him. His past deeds are unforgivable.

"Alright then," King Leon squeezed her palms, "what do you need?"

"Wintershold will plunge the world into chaos if you don't-do not stop them!"

"Kura, I'll find a way, but the people are the number one priority," Leon argued.

"They'll die if Wintershold wins."

"Please understand," Leon continued, "I know what I'm doing. You always know how persuasive I can be, right?"

Kura could not deny that. Leon was incredibly persuasive and clever. He was the one who improved the security system, he was the one who kept his territory from invaders, he was the one who kept Antrinita under good light in the eyes of the world.

Kura also remembered what Leon had told her when they were first left together in private. He needed someone to lean on, someone who would bring love and joy into his days and all of Antrinita. And he had mentioned that Kura's connection to the animals is widely known.

"Okay," Kura finally decided, "But if you don't mind...I do need to know a few things."

"Anything I can help with, I'll try my best."

"Why did you change?" was the first question that popped up in her head. She was supposed to ask for information regarding the Kingdom of Lumina and the artifacts, but she did not. Why did she ask that instead?

"I see the errors of my ways," Leon replied as he caressed Kura's thumb, "And, pitifully, it only took your escape and my father's death."

"My condolences," Kura said. King Leonard was a good king. He cared for his people and all that lived in Antrinita. But she knew that he was not the best father.

"Is that all?" Leon asked.

When Leon said he knew nothing about the Kingdom of Lumina, Kura inquired about the artifacts.

"Here," Leon unhooked his necklace and placed it in Kura's hands, "Father mentioned that this was always a special necklace passed down from ruler to ruler. I'm betting that the necklace is what you're looking for."

"Thank you," Kura smiled slightly as she hooked the necklace around her neck. "And I apologize for my behavior. It was unfair of me to treat you that way."

"You always have a way of making me light-headed," Leon sighed dreamily which made Kura roll her eyes.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.


General Noah came in as Leon stood up to address him.

"Your Majesty, Wintersholdiers request an audience with you."

"What do they require? We have completed our shipments to Wintershold already."

"No, sire. It is not that," General Noah glanced at Kura.

"What does she have to do with anything?" Leon asked when he caught his gaze.

"They want six of your most recent guests," General Noah explained, "King Warren personally requests for you to hand them over to be executed."

Kura widened her eyes as Leon ordered General Noah to discreetly buy them some time.

Leon turned to face Kura, "You have to get out of here now. I'll have Commander Coleb escort you two to Liatrez."

"Isn't Newtrew closer?"

"The trade is dangerous, Kura," Leon told her as he rummaged around some shelves, "If you ever stumble upon the kingdom of the trade, always watch your back. You never know who can be trusted and who can't."

Leon pulled out a backpack and handed the straps to Kura's open palms. "There should be enough supplies in there to last you and your friends a day. I'm sorry I can't give you more. Those emergency supplies were meant for just one person," Leon explained before staring into Kura's eyes.

"Be careful, alright?" he said after a moment of silence, "I'd like to show you how much more I've changed."

"Thank you," Kura tightened her grip around the straps before slinging the backpack over her shoulders.

"Come on. There's no time to waste."

Kura quickly found her friends who were instructed to meet them in front of Leon's study. Thankfully, Cold's expression softened when he saw that Kura was okay.

"I will escort you to the catacombs. Commander Coleb will meet you at the entrance," Leon ran down the hall as Kura and her friends followed behind him.

They ran through the hallways and down three sets of stairs until Leon announced that they were in front of yet another set of double doors. Leon stated the doors as the entrance to the catacombs. When the doors opened, a guard with dark chocolate hair and green eyes greeted them.

Before following her friends through the entrance, Kura turned to face Leon.

"Kura, get going," he told her, "I'll do my best to protect you-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Kura got on her toes and pressed her lips against Leon's.

It was nothing much, only a peck. But the feelings that sparked all around them were something that made Kura long for more. The pressure of his arms around her body and hers around his neck made her feel safe and comfortable. A definite contrast to the first time they connected their lips. However, she knew that there were more pressing matters to attend to.

Breaking away, Kura stared at Leon. The blue eyes she once saw as a disgusting and disrespectful pig were now a charming and caring ruler.

"Thank you so much," she muttered so that only he could hear.

"I'm guessing that means your passionate kiss will have to wait?" Leon whispered and Kura smiled. "You can count on it," she said before turning away and joining her friends.

The entrance of the catacombs was sealed, blocking the sight of a smiling Leon. 

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