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    The truth was supposed to come out eventually. I knew that first thing, but I just wished it hadn't been rushed and that my mom's big mouth didn't get in the way. It was a recipe for disaster having my mom know a secret, but also not know that I was scared to tell Louis. She was looking for the best in me and I was trying to hide some things so I wouldn't have to deal with confrontation. Louis was shocked; therefore, I was beginning to panic. Because now he was going to find out that Jaden made it also, and that was probably not going to sit well.

    He sat in front of me kind of emotionless, his legs in a crisscross formation as he sat on my bed, softly clutching onto a small stuffed Pikachu that I had when I was five or six. He was so quiet that I was now scared of the words that may come out of his mouth, so as I sat there with my knees up to my chest, I kind of just waited.

    And I know I should speak first, but I don't want to disappoint him more.

    "So, it's official?" I was totally out of thought when he spoke, waiting so long that I had zoned out. I looked up at him and made a confused face, "What?"

    "You're going to go to Bridger, study there, and leave behind this. What we just made official." I grabbed his hand, and he shifted a little, not uncomfortable or anything, but more of "We aren't really ready for this conversation." It was hard to think about. Leaving here when I've officially found the person I lo-

    I like.

    The person I like a lot.

    Now that was the first time I thought of those words toward Louis, but now I'm questioning myself on everything I know. Bridger is my dream film school and Louis is my boyfriend now. Everything just seemed to be getting a lot more complicated.

    "I want you to go to Bridger and live out what your dad couldn't."

    I froze. Looking up at him slowly from looking at our hands together, now intertwined. I didn't even know what to say, yes, I had talked about what my dad loved and what I wanted, but now I had realized for the first time something new about Louis.

    He was an unofficial researcher, someone who investigated something no matter how long it took them, just so they could find out the truth about certain subjects and live through the person's experiences. He was trying so hard to be with me, to know me, everything in the sort. And has he knew what had happened the day of my father's death, I was unaware and thinking that he would never find out. "You did some searching, huh?"

    "I wanted to know more about you and the one thing I could rely on was the history of your father. It all ended up revolving around that." We both nodded our heads which made us smile. My hand leading to his cheek as I looked at him with the most love I could manage.

     I also just managed to think of the word fully without breaking it off to the sidelines. I guess I do love Louis a lot. A lot more than I would be able to manage, but I think that's the beauty of it. "I-" He leaned in quickly and kissed me, my back now laying against the bed as he pushed me down further. Our lips still interlocked and our hands in a knot as he held them down. It was a kiss that showed eagerness and fast movements as I was stuck worrying about whether my mom would come in or not. He had smiled into one more kiss, still holding onto my hands but now smiling as he looked down at me. "I understand Wyatt when says he adores someone, cause right now I absolutely adore you (Y/n). And-"

    "And we'll make this work?" I asked slyly trying to get that across. He nodded as a small laugh escaped his lips, so soft as I rubbed my thumb across, gliding my hand back to the side of his face. "Yes, we'll make this work and (Y/n)-"

    "I love you, Lou."

    At the moment, I just didn't care what was coming out of my mouth at that point. I was so caught up in these feelings that the words came out and he stared at me with the blankest of faces. My heart was pounding out of my chest and all I wanted to do was take it back, because he was scaring me.

    Love, such a strong word for your feelings and it only contained four letters that could change a whole relationship. "Why are you so scared?" I smiled also and shook my head.

    "I love you (Y/n)."


    His head laid on the pillow beside mine, soft snores coming from him as I stayed there watching the movie we were planning on finishing, but Louis fell asleep. He shuffled in his sleep a lot, something I didn't really know. His arm wrapped around my waist, and I started to brush his hair back from his face. His soft skin and pink lips that seemed to look so perfect all the time, he was someone who I don't want to stop being with, especially because of how far this has gotten. Even though, I haven't had the proper experience with a relationship and the thought of one gives me the worst anxiety, I would risk all those things for him, because he's that special.

    "He's asleep?"

     I looked over to my door and saw as Jaden stood at the doorway. "Yeah, he was tired I guess." He nodded his head and brushed back his hair. "Well, I'm glad you're happy (Y/n/n)." I looked back at Louis as I sat up on the bed and Jaden came a bit closer into the room.

    "Thank you, J."

    "Just know that I'm going to support you no matter what."

    I looked at him confused and laughed, "Why are you saying all this?"

    He shrugged, "Because you've found someone who fully cares and when I was there, I couldn't show you what you wanted. I'd rather make fun of you." I ruffled his hair as he sat on the edge of the bed. He didn't look as happy as you'd think, maybe a bit disappointed. He continued to stare, and I just brought my hand back towards my body, "I was too late, huh?" And that's when I knew what he was talking about.

    Jaden and I had put away our feelings because of our parents, but I had put the puzzle pieces of clues that he gave me under the table and figured out that he had felt the same when we were younger. Yes, he was late, and at times I hated that, but then I look over and see someone who didn't make me wait. Someone who didn't turn my ideas down, but morally supported them with the best interest. And I love Jaden, but now for a different reason. Because now I'm learning to love Steven in a way to welcome him into the family. Now I will look at Jaden in a way as he is probably going to be my brother in the future.

    I nodded my head, "Yeah, you are."

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