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    It continued like this, we would hang out, eat, watch movies, and Evanie and Wyatt never spoke to each other. We had agreed that we couldn't separate from the friend group that we were, but it didn't really feel like a change except for the fact that Evanie was always gone with her new boyfriend.

    Her and I never had a proper apology moment toward each other, nor did we want to. But after the last week's event, she really didn't bother on the apologizing part and acted like things between us were normal. I didn't bother fussing about an apology when I knew she wouldn't be around that much at all. It wasn't surprising though, her and Jax had this weird similarity between them, but we didn't know it would be the same as leaving the friend group.

    I tried my best to not think about it as I sat at the table with my mom looking at the recent bills, she was concentrated, and I was supposed to be looking at the ones for our subscriptions but was too distracted by the thought of the other things in my life. "(Y/n), did you get that finished?"

    My head shot up as our eyes met and I shook my head. A sigh came from her, and she grabbed the papers and put them in front of her. It was like a signal went off or something because as soon as she sighed, Steven walked out of my mom's room. "What's wrong?" He quickly walked over to where she sat and kissed her cheek quickly before sitting down beside her in the other chair that sat there with our little table. Four chairs in a set and it seemed to only fill up three my entire life, "Nothing's wrong, just got to get this stuff done." She ruffled her (y/m/h/c) hair and looked over to him with a smile. I couldn't help but feel quite jealous as they looked at each other the way they did, I hadn't seen Lou in the last couple of days and texting wasn't enough for me.

    "You alright kiddo?"

    I looked over to Steven and nodded. He wasn't satisfied with my answer and took that as a 'no'. "See when I was in high school things were as hard as you have it—"

    "Did your original friend group that you knew since middle school break apart?" My mouth was in a straight line as I was waiting for his answer, and he shook his head 'no' with a laugh next to it. "No, you got me there." He looked at me again and this time it scared me. Why? Well, that looked reminded me too well of one I used to love when I was smaller. He was looking at me like I was his own kid, like I was his daughter. And even though it may be hard to understand, you just know it when someone is trying their hardest to be close to you and make sure you're alright. It was just weird because it was Steven.

    "I bet you can talk to Jaden about this, he's great with talking about friendships and all that. He's been through enough to know." Steven was the kind of person that you'd love to make fun of because you know he's wrong, but at the same time you don't want to because he's nice. And that's why I was about to nod my head and agree until-


    Jaden ran out of his room and started to shove the computer in his dad's face, "I got accepted dad, oh my god!" The veins in my arms felt as if chills went down them, I had totally forgotten we had applied to Bridger and England Film Schools.

    "You got accepted?" My mom stopped her typing and ruffling of papers to look at the computer screen too, which made me jump up as well and stare. We were all silent.

    Continuing to look at the words of accepted and congratulations for Bridger. Then Jaden grabbed my shoulder quickly and his eyes widened with mine, "GO CHECK YOUR COMPUTER!" We both scrambled out of the scene of the table and kitchen and quickly made our way over to my room, "Hurry!" I jumped onto my bed as he quickly tossed my computer at me.

    Quickly putting in my information for my email, I saw it. The link was on the email too, and I was way too scared to open it. "No matter what happens, we still have England Film School. This is only Bridger."

    "Yeah, it's not like this is just the top film school in the country." I sarcastically added as we sat there on my bed.


    "Yeah." I clicked the small button area that read "status update" and closed my eyes as my finger contacted the pad area of my computer. As the page turned up, Jaden and I both opened our eyes, the fear was gone, and we were silent.



𝐋 𝐨 𝐮 𝐢 𝐬 ✧˚ · .

    "It's sent!" We all yelled as the perfect project we had been working on was finally finished and entered the film competition.

    It was all something that we needed especially with everything going on and it was the first time I had seen Wyatt smile since that day. "I'd like to make a toast." Darris held up his water bottle and we did the same. "To this friend group, because even though I didn't like you guys at first, you're actually some of the coolest guys I've ever met."

    "I'd like to say something-"

    "Now everyone has to say something!" Hunter complained from his seating of the beanbag in the corner while I was at my desk chair and Wyatt and Darris were laying on my bed. "Say something Wyatt." I gestured to him, and he smiled.

    "To the film." He nodded his head, "To us, our futures, and-" He spaced out a bit which confused us, but he was soon brought back in. "And to our graduation day in some months later." He sat up and brushed through his hair, "I love you guys, no homo." We all laughed and raised our plastic bottles in the air, drinking out of them, and now silent.

    We looked at each other, "Now what?" Hunter's question dug into me too, I really didn't know where else to next. We had been spending so much time on the film and that it all didn't really come to mind about our lives after.

    "Maybe it's time to focus on school." Darris grabbed his bag from the floor and shrugged. We all followed bringing our textbooks out and Wyatt starting to argue with Hunter because he didn't remember that we had homework that was due next week. His laughs welcoming into the room, eventually to the point where my dad had to come in and settle us down.

    To end the night in just us watching Fast and the Furious while Wyatt drooled over Letty and Darris argued that Mia was better, while I kept my mouth shut as I thought about (Y/n) and what she must be doing or thinking about.

    Probably doing homework and talking to her mom, maybe even thinking of me. But for right now I was just focusing on how fast the cars moved and the internal wishes of wanting to be in a movie like that in my future.

    Because I know we'll all make it. No matter what.


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