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    "You're telling me that you want to quit?"

    I leaned back on the sofa and felt as Louis put his arm around me, "I'm saying that I just want a break and I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way." He leaned his back onto the sofa, "It's not like it's going to be forever, trust me I want to finish it too. It's just we all really need to focus on school and ourselves, I know that Jax leaving the group wasn't only hard for me." That got his attention, but I knew he didn't like the topic, "Let's just take time off."

    Darris bit the inner part of his lip and sighed, looking over at Evanie who was falling asleep to all of this. She didn't mind the break, but I didn't really know why she was so tired. "Fine, let's do that, but that means that we all need to help each other out because I'm behind on classes and I know you guys are too." Wyatt came out from the kitchen and sat next to Evanie while Hunter followed behind with a microwave burrito in his hand.

    I nodded my head, feeling a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Now it was all going to be a bit easier as I was going to focus on school and the beautiful boy beside me. So, as I leaned my head against his chest and we all stayed there watching a movie for our own desire without having to note all the things that they did, I thought for a while. For the first time since I was back at home, I was thinking about a lot more things than the film. With my mom still away, I knew that she wouldn't worry about me until it came to the day where she'll look in the mirror, fix her blazer, kiss me goodbye, hide the frame that has the picture of my dad and I, and peak her head out the door for one more 'I love you'. I knew she was probably drinking a sweet liquid out of a martini glass that seemed to fit so perfectly in the palm of her hand, the ones that she threw at a wall after her boss had fired her the first time, the ones that lured her back into the room with her ex-boyfriend Raymond, and to discuss the gossip with her best friend Sheryl while loosely holding onto the two glasses in one hand and the bottle of wine in the other. She was everlasting, her dreams becoming realities and her bed being collected with dust as she hasn't messed up the sheets in months. Her own smile was gone from my head because I think I'd rather enjoy seeing her out and not in the apartment that she paid for like it was pocket change. She was gone from our world, too smart for anyone else. Her attitude and sweet design was either a gift from heaven or a present from hell, but I couldn't stop thinking about her even though I know she's not thinking about me.

    Louis' hand softly pushing back my hair reminded me too much of the familiar strokes that my mom and dad used to do, he wasn't pulling my hair. In between he'd kiss my head lightly and whisper things I couldn't really hear, but it was all okay because I was thinking.

    No matter what it was, I would continue and now my life was being fulfilled by someone who knows the deepest thing I think about most. Louis saw the videos, he sees as I drift out of conversations because I'm thinking. He brushes my hair with his fingers as if he's known me his whole life, and I was starting to get used to this desired awakening.


    Her handwriting was fast, I didn't remember this at all as I sat in my Calculus class completely lost. She was going what felt like one hundred miles per hour, her wrinkled hand moving across the board. I was trying my best to keep up, but I really couldn't get everything before she erased it, so it was a surprise when I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind me. I turned to see him, those same dimples that his mom had. I guess I hadn't been to school enough to realize I had second period with him. He picked up his notes and gestured it to me, "Here." He actually smiled this time, something he didn't do the first time we met formally. "Thanks Easton." I grabbed it from his hand as I moved back to face my desk. I quickly took a couple pictures as our teacher made her way over to do her desk real quick. I turned back around and handed it to him with a smile, his hand lightly grazed mine as he pulled away the notebook from my hands. He spoke up, "My mom was wondering why you guys haven't come back to the café."

    "Oh, don't take it personal, we've all been going through a lot." I was about to turn back around when he said, "I was wondering, I've seen you guys at lunch, and I wanted to ask if you guys would mind if I-"

    She hit the board with her yard stick which caused me to turn around and face her, "Now onto 7.3. It's very important so make sure you get the notes down." She picked up the marker and as fast as it seemed, the bell rang, and I was out of there. My eyes wandering across the halls as I was walking to my next class, eyes were glued onto me as I walked past. Sometimes when we all did go to school it felt like we were new, maybe because we just haven't walked the halls the same amount of time like everyone else. I continued walking, making my way through the crowds of others, I opened the door to the library as we had all planned on meeting up there and studying for our upcoming test in history.

    I could hear their laughs as soon as I entered and all I had to do was turn my head to see them already set up. An empty chair waiting there for me besides Evanie. Tossing my bag on the ground, sitting down, I looked at all of them as they had their books spread out and how they were making fun of Wyatt. A little bit of a piece of destress before I went into my next classes and tried my best to get everything together.


𝐋𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬✧˚ · .

    "Don't you think this is all a bit weird of (Y/n)?" He flopped onto my bed and sighed as Hunter sat on the beanbag in the corner, "I mean, she's been wanting this for the longest time and now she just wants to take a break?"

    "She's stressing out about a bunch of stuff, we just have to understand." I messed with the mouse that sat there on my computer desk. Messing with the side buttons and thinking, I wanted to do something for her, I knew she was upset because of the fact that she really couldn't do the film without being unhappy about it. So, as I sat there and contemplated about what I wanted to do, Hunter and Wyatt started to play Call of Duty on their phones.

    I clicked through the small things of the internet when it came to gifts, nothing clicking. I was confused about it, brushing my hair back in frustration, I continued my search. Ten minutes passing and now Wyatt turned a movie on, they nudged me a couple of times to tell me that they were starting a movie, and then another hour went by and Wyatt came over and looked at the screen with me as Hunter started a new movie. He would pace the room as he ate his popcorn, accidently dropping it on my floor and Wyatt picking it up to throw it away.

    I was leaning my head against the desk, thinking and listening as my breathing was steady. A couple seconds passed and then I heard Wyatt tell me that they were going to get water from downstairs.

    "What would she like?" I said it quietly, talking to myself now. She was that important for me to talk to myself now, and I kept thinking. I looked through my files and opened a file that has her name on it, "(Y/n). What do I need to do?" A rhetorical question that caused me not to think fast as I saw everything in there, but then I did.

    There it was. I played the same one we started with again, her small voice ringing through my ears as her dad was beside her, this was what I needed to do. This was our new project, my new surprise, the new-

    Distracted by the videos again. I didn't focus on the sounds outside or in the house. I was just looking at the screen, and when I finally realized that Wyatt and Hunter were sitting beside me, I knew it was too late to shut the computer off now. "What was that?"

    "Oh, it's just-" I wasn't good at the lying game, so they immediately knew something was up, "Was that your family?" Hunter sat beside Wyatt on the edge of the bed. I shook my head and realized something, they could help me with this. And I knew it was a lot, I know I'm already crazy enough to go behind her back and use this footage, I knew she'd possibly hate me for not telling her this, but I needed them. She needed this.

    "We have to do this."

    They both looked at me confused and then back at the screen, "Louis, who is that?"

    "(Y/n), and I need your help with something."

    Looking at each other, I looked at both of them waiting for their approval. They breathed out and Hunter pursed their lips while crossing his arms, "Is Darris in on this?"

    I shook my head, they both looked like they were contemplating. "I'm in." Wyatt let it out loosely while Hunter was still debating,

    "What are you planning anyway?"


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