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    I was at the computer all night with them, talking and picking up points that would make the new event perfect. "Do you really think this will work Louis? I'm just scared she's going to kill us if we do this, I mean if she didn't show us these videos, then there must have been a reason." Wyatt was writing notes, he was overthinking this whole thing, but I knew that we were risking our friendship with her. Well—at least my relationship with her might get ruined.

    She wasn't really replying back to my message, she'd probably been hanging out with Evanie right now while Darris was working. With Hunter continuing to look at all the film, I paced the room thinking of an idea. But before I could think anymore, Hunter interrupts my thoughts and speaks up, "I think I know what we can do."

    "What?" Wyatt grabbed his pen off my bed and opened the top with his teeth.

    He leaned back in my chair, pushing back his light brown hair, "This could be risky, but I'm thinking we make all this footage into a film. It could be a short, that would be better because even though we have so much footage, it's going to be hard to do a full film when we can't interview her." I crossed my arms and breathed out. "That's a great idea Hunter, is the Summer Hills festival taking short films?"

    They both looked at me like I was insane, Wyatt covering his face and Hunter scoffed in his small state of shock, "You're kidding, right?"

    "What? I asked if they were taking short film submissions-"

    "No that's not it Louis, the plan was to make something for her. All of this was just going to be with the friend group, you're now talking about a festival that has people coming in with all their projects. (Y/n)'s life will not just be shown to us, it'll be shown to people who don't know her personally." He brushed back his hair in frustration, "I really don't want to lose that friendship, are you really willing to ruin everything because you want to make her happy?"

    I shrugged, "It's for her, as long as she sees it-" I paused thinking about it a bit before I answered completely. "As long as she see it, it's fine."

    "Alright! Then it's done!" Wyatt got off from the bed and walked over to where I was sitting against the end of the bed frame. His arm wrapped around my shoulder and looking at Hunter, "Our secret, so no one says anything."

    "Not even to Darris?" Hunter asked.

    I shook my head, "No one."


    We all met up at the apartment, Wyatt hadn't talked since we got there. Evanie was pressing him about what was wrong, but he just decided to stay quiet. This wasn't what we meant, but if that's how he keeps secrets than I guess we'll be without a voice from Wyatt. He would glance over at me and then at Hunter, (Y/n) right beside me as her head was leaning on my shoulder. She put her chin up on my shoulder and looked at me, "Are you okay?"

    Both of the guys looked at me, Wyatt had wide eyes and Hunter was trying to make sure that I wasn't going to say anything wrong, "Yes, I'm good." I kissed her forehead and she nodded as a small smile was put on her face, the same smile that I hope she gives me when she sees the film. Mentally and emotionally, I wasn't ready to get this all together, physically I was ready but every now and then I felt like Wyatt was about to scream out because of the frustration that laid on his face as we all watched a movie. Darris didn't really suspect a thing, but I wasn't even trying to focus on that because a couple seconds ago Evanie looked at her screen and then at me which worried me with all I am.

    She squinted her eyes and then continued to gaze at Wyatt and Hunter. My heart beating out of my chest, every nerve in my body going crazy. Then as I got a notification, I picked up my phone and realized she was just forwarding a meme that Wyatt sent her. I gave him a look and his smile was filled with confusion as I was telling him to calm it down with my eyes because my heart was beating out of my chest.

    My eyes were nowhere near to the TV screen, I was pretty much distracted the whole time. I just didn't want her to suspect a thing. I know she didn't right now, but if I tell her that I'm going to be hanging out with Wyatt and Hunter more commonly now, she might think we're doing something that we don't want anyone else to know about. Which is true, but we can't tell them that.

    Her eyes would shift to me as I was gazing into the kitchen, she tapped my leg and looked at me with worry. I was just tired, I said. She continued to look at me, scanning my face and then smiling as she played with the hair that was in front of my face. She would put it away from my eyes and then sooner than I thought, I was now laying on top of her as she braided the small strands. I didn't mind, but it was at least something to get her mind off the suspicion. I was laying there almost falling asleep when she would tug on my hair again. She was making the small braids tight for no reason, I would have to take them out when I got home anyway. I could hear her small laughs that she would exchange with Evanie, they made me smile. As long as she was happy and smiling, it was fine.

    Even if she pulled my hair I wouldn't mind, the braids are just the small thing that hurt. And to think about what would really hurt, was kind of depressing. Because in this moment it was all fine, she was there and even though I knew I was hiding something it wasn't like I needed to show it. She messed with my hair as I held onto her, my eyes drifting to the screen and then closing as everything was quiet and they all watched Flower.


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