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The scene was going perfectly, we were going to have a short filming day, so we decided to get everything we needed done in a couple of shots. I was holding onto the camera firmly as I glanced over to Louis who was looking at me as he was fixing his costume. His eyes meeting mine and then going back to the girl who was fixing his tie. The scene was taking place right after a day of school, but as Louis was playing the kid at school that will wear a suit for a presentation, we had to dress him in it for the next scenes. I looked back at Hunter and Evanie who were trying their best to look interested in each other in a romantic way, they weren't really excited for the upcoming shots. A kiss scene was going to be shared between the two and I was already hearing a bunch of crap from Wyatt. Jax was often trying to stay away from me, we didn't really talk after the day of how I said that something happened that junior year summer which he had to stay behind to explain to Hunter and Darris. That's if he even did say something, I never asked him. "Alright, CUT!" Darris signaled me to stop recording and I did. My arms weren't as tired as we had a stand for the camera now.

Darris made his way over to Evanie and Hunter, helping them both up from the grass. Evanie wore a soft pink dress, Hunter into his Sunday's best. That was my favorite scene of the film, the acceptance of their friend, and the appreciation they showed him as they all went to school looking like they were going to church.

I was looking over as they all started to hold up blankets so that the girls could change without being seen, they're eyes looking away and Hunter and Louis talking about who knows what. He noticed as I looked at him again, walking over to me, and standing close so no one was reading our lips as we talked. "Hey."

"Hey." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smiled down at me, "You know, if I was not a big part in this film, I would hang out with you more."

"It's fine Louis, I'm just tired."

He unwrapped his arm and looked me with a bit of concern, "About last night, do you want to talk about it? I just thought it would be good if you did."

I couldn't help but feel as if I was burning waste to him. Now he was going to question if I was okay all the time, but I just tried to shoo the thought away from my mind. My memories of last night coming to my head and the fact that I couldn't get through all the videos without crying, then I remembered how when I woke up, he was there. His head leaning against the wall, tired face and muffled little snores. He was exhausted and I would've been too after seeing me come off as whole new person. Someone who had never showed anyone these home videos, but Louis now knew, and I needed to accept that. He was a good guy, and I was developing something that I knew Darris and Jax would be mad about, but right now I really couldn't think of anything else to do. This guy was in front of me and I was worrying about what my best friends would say, but then again Jax will never get over us and I'm just trying to forget it. 

Before I could say something, Evanie wrapped her arm around my shoulder and smiled at Louis, "I need to borrow her for one sec." She tugged me along with her and continued walking all the way until we were out of sight from others. We sat down along the edge of the lake circle there. She looked over at me and then paused in her thoughts, "I went to the gas station with Wyatt yesterday and something weird happened."

I nodded my head, but internally I was freaking out. Wyatt wasn't that brave to confess, so in my head I thought he might have pissed her off or said something that would affect her, "Okay."

"(Y/n), be honest with me." She paused and looked away for a second, "Did you have sex with Jax?" Everything in my body froze, it even felt like my breathing was unsteady. I tried not to make it obvious that I was about to confess to something that I wish I hadn't done, but now I was wondering how Wyatt even knew. My heart was racing, but I had to tell her the truth. She's my best friend.

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