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    "Maybe I should regret what I said, but I knew he would come back anyway and tell me that I lost, and he won. That would be the end, and I've now met it." A smirk laced on her face as she was reading through the stiff lines that I had written. Maybe not stiff, but somewhat there in a sense of what I felt, like the lines were things that people wouldn't say. She recited them again and filled her paper with notes as she flopped down onto the sofa next to Darris as he read through the lengthy script of the unknown. His face was clear and noticeable of his feelings toward the writing in front of him.

    "Do you think they will be okay with the line you say in scene five?" I looked at him confused as I remembered what I had done for scene five, I didn't think it was too intense but maybe it was alright that he pointed it out. A different perspective, different emotion, or view on the words. I sat on the love seat and crossed my legs to watch as the other male specimen looked at our script. Their facial expressions showed different feelings of delight, worriedness, and a slight shine of happiness in the draft. Wyatt turned to face me, "As always, it's amazing." I smiled as I engulfed him in a hug split with love and chasteness because of the fact that he was happy with it. He leaned back as he was laying on the opposite couch, his back now touching the arm rest.

    "(Y/n), do you know how great this is?" Jax sat in the seat I was in before, his slanted eyes now crinkled at the corners as he smiled and flopped down the script so that it hit the surface of the table. "People at the Summer Hills are going to love it, but we still need actors." I nodded my head with a slight worry we weren't going to find anyone in time to play each of the most important characters and film it. The submission for Summer Hills was coming near, January 31st, and to make the deadline we would need to hold auditions soon, with the help of many others at the drama facility in our school.

    "Well, Serg said that we could use the auditorium for Wednesday." Darris looked up from the script and put it to the side of him. "The script needs some work." He got up from the sofa and walked over to the kitchen with a stern expression. We had become used to it, and he wasn't going to change so to learn that it was his new way of being there for us was something we had to get used to. He grabbed a cup from the cabinet and smiled as he saw the small child-like, plastic cup in his hand. The dimples he had showed on his cheeks, his medium toned skin was soft as he continued to have a serious expression so that we didn't see his actual happiness show through.

    Jax looked over to Darris with a serious face, "D, stop being like that." He turned to me and held the script closely to him. "It's good, don't listen to someone with a brain the size of his dick." A chuckle came from us all as Jax was smiling at me, but Darris wasn't so happy and left the apartment with what we heard of the slam of the door. Our smiles and laughs left our faces. Jax even knew it was too much, he leaned back onto the small seat and pursed his lips together. His eyes beaming back to me and a tug on his lips as he smirked. "I wasn't wrong though."

    Wyatt sighed which turned our heads, he was looking at Evanie again. His eyes were practically making hearts as he stared. She practiced lines in the kitchen all the time, he was too scared to practice them with her. It wasn't his fault that he was so scared though. She never talked to Wyatt; her eyes were planted on Darris, so he never made a move. While Darris never made a move on Evanie. Her everlasting crush on Darris was still on from fifth grade, her eyes never left while Wyatt's will forever stay on her. His smiles toward her were nice to look at, but I was trying my best to get away from their internal drama while Jax and I stayed on the sideline. But that was a whole other story for another time, while I was fiddling with the zipper of my jacket and not really paying attention to the thoughts now popping up and disappearing but reappearing at night when I didn't want them too. It was the worry overflowing the way I thought, but I knew I would be able to make it sooner or later to the fact that we will soon enough pick our actors and film. Send it into the competition and wait for a result to see if we are placing for a position. Maybe we'll even walk into the room and take our spot next to adult film makers, but that was only the best. We were just expecting to make it to where they'll send us a participation letter, but we'll see.

    "I'm going home." Evanie had her eyes still on the script, she detailed the lines in a way where she can never forget every emotion or way to say the lines. Her eyes never met ours and she grabbed her backpack from the side of Wyatt's present seat. His eyes now meeting her lips then back to her hair, eyes, and then like any pervy boy, at her butt.

    "No wonder she doesn't want to be with you." I moved from the couch we were at and moved to the other one, covering my eyes with a pillow and trying my best to fall asleep.

    "Dar looked at her the same way and she did nothing, she had the audacity to blush." He ruffles his hair and makes his way to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. Passing one to Jax and sitting up on his seat, "Why does she like him anyway?"

   My eyes were still covered, and it went quiet. I knew they were waiting for me to say something. I didn't want to, but I guess I should. "Maybe it's the fact that he showed her respect when she needed it most." It was silent again; they didn't get it.

    "Darris was respecting to her in way she wanted, he took her out when she was unhappy, he made sure that her dog was healthy when he swallowed the small container of play paint. He was just there." Wyatt lifted the pillow off my face, and I groaned as he continued to complain. "You act like I didn't just take care of her dog for the past two weeks when she was out of town." He crossed his arms and sat back down with a serious expression.

    "Didn't the dog swallow paint at your house?" Wyatt went silent as Jax fiddled with a pen on the table beside the love seat. His emotionless statement showed Wyatt his answer and also rewarded us the walkout of Wy going back to his room. I looked back over to the boy who was still playing with a pen, now coloring on his light skin, making marks of his own logo he made.


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