Chapter 6: Injuries.

Start from the beginning

"Not too bad, runt." Todoroki started as he slowly got back up to his feet. Raging orange flames engulfed the redhead's fists as he slowly walked over to the smaller teen.

"But now the real fun begins!" Enji yelled before leaping forward towards Hizashi.


Toshinori and Shirakumo ran down hall after hall, trying to find where the weapon was as quick as possible. "Do you think Hizashi will be okay?" Shirakumo asked nervously.

"If he believes in himself then I have no reason to doubt him." The tall blonde said with a reassuring smile. "Sh, I hear voices." Yagi said, lowering his voice as they crept up to one of the doors. Staying silent, he listened in.

Aizawa sighed as he shoved his hands into his pockets, slowly pacing around the room. He would never admit it out loud but he was worried about Hizashi. And hearing him yell didn't make it easier to calm his nervous either. "Would you stop pacing around so much? You're gonna start making me nervous." Nemuri said and crossed her arms. Shota looked up from the ground to scowl at her. "Why do you care anyway? I never see you with him and plus you're completely opposite from each other so I doubt your friends." She stated while rolling her eyes.

The ravenette's gaze slowly fell upon the floor once more as he thought about what Nemuri said. Why did he care? He hasn't really spent a substantial amount of time with Hizashi, true. That was mainly because Shota liked keeping himself to himself, plus, he always takes naps during their breaks so it's not like he sees anyone. But even if they weren't friends he didn't want Yamada to get hurt. Especially not by that bastard Todoroki. Whether it was just his instincts from wanting to be a hero or something more he didn't know. However, it was illogical to think of it as anything but his hero instincts. That is the most logical answer, right?

"We're heros in training, Kayama. A real hero doesn't need a reason to worry about another person's safety." Aizawa scoffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. The female teen rolled her eyes and simply smiled.

"You keep telling yourself that, hun." She said and giggled, making Shota roll his eyes.

Toshinori glanced over at Shirakumo and nodded, whispering. "They're here." Before trying to contact Hizashi via their earpieces.

However, there was no response.

Just static.

Toshinori widened his eyes slightly and turned to Oboro. "Go back to Yamada, Shirakumo. He isn't responding." He said in a panic. The smaller teen simply nodded and rushed off to make his way back to Hizashi, making himself a cloud to fly on so he goes faster. Toshi clenched his fists tightly and cursed to himself. "Shit.."

Suddenly the door to the room burst open and Aizawa slowly walked out, gazing around until his gaze fell upon the larger of the blondes. "I thought I heard someone out here." The raven started. "Came here all by yourself?" He scoffed.

"N-No! I think Todoroki has hurt Yamada. He isn't responding so I sent Shirakumo to go check on him." Yagi explained in a panic and Shota's widened his eyes. The ravenette's eyes flashed crimson in anger and he grit his teeth before running off without saying a word.

Shirakumo soon made it back to Yamada and Todoroki. Leaping off the cloud he was riding on, he created another larger cloud that covered Hizashi and protected him from Enji's fire attack. "What the-?!" The redhead yelled, questioning where the cloud came from. Oboro rushed over to Hizashi side, widening hie eyes when he saw the state he was in. "You." The redhead said with a smirk. Oboro's cloud slowly disappear and he stood in front of Hizashi. The young blonde stumbled up to his feet.

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