prologue | rivals or boyfriends?

Start from the beginning

"I'm so happy for you! Oh my god! We need to collab soon!"

I laughed at his silliness.

"Jake, I haven't even debut yet. You need to chill."

"I know that but it won't feel complete unless we collab on a song."

I felt that way too. We were meant to debut together. In the same group but as long as we both debut as idols, we would have that chance to collab but now?

"I made a big mistake."

Twitter and the news was filled with the clip of me insulting Jake's rapping. His fans really didn't go easy on me. Some of them called me ugly, my singing sucks and other creative insults they had. If only they knew Jake and I are still best friends.

I had one question. Why the hell would the directors leave that in?

"It was a live show, Sunghoon. They can't really edit it out on the spot.", my manager explained as I sighed, frustrated with myself and the directors.

"Hyung! You really said that to Jake-sunbae?", The maknae of my group asked me as he walked into the studio.

"Well, yes? It was a mistake and Jake accepted my apology."

"Really? That's great then. I'm sure they will forget about it after awhile, don't worry hyung.", He said, giving me a small hug. I smiled at that and hugged him back.

"I really hope so, Sunoo."

I really hope Jake doesn't actually think I meant that.


They're insulting my Sunghoon? I expected my fans to act up because of that clip but going so far as to insult my precious Sunghoon just because of a small mistake? I can't accept that.

I went live straight after I saw those hate tweets and even death threats to explain what happened. I smiled and waved to the camera as I started the live. Comments about the clip immediately breezed past the comments section. I frowned and sighed, leaning back on my chair.

"So, I went live to really kinda explain what really happened in that clip."

"We had a small argument between mentors and Sunghoon wanted to pick out this one trainee that I also wanted."

"Of course, knowing Sunghoon, he's very competitive and he gets what he wants."

I paused to look at the comments and again, I saw hate comments towards my Sunghoon. I just read the ones that are good enough.

"Being competitive doesn't give him a reason to insult you jake"

Well that is true but I understood why it slipped out of his mouth.

"To be honest, I started it first. I called him two faced."

I knew I had just gotten myself into big trouble. Before, it was solely Sunghoon's fault but now, it's both.

"So please, stop sending him death threats because of a silly mistake that I instigated first."

I thought that would fix everything but it made it so much worse. Now his fans were sending hate and death threats to me and my group! My other members don't deserve this!

My fans did the same to them as well.

"Why would you say that, Jake? Do you know what they're saying about you and your members?", Sunghoon scolded me.

"I'm sorry Hoon, I-I thought if I explained that I was the one who started it, they would turn their hate to me only but I guess I didn't think it through."

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