Chapter 13- 12 A.M.

Start from the beginning

Todoroki would probably regret that later. But not now, as he sucked in the crisp, cold air outside the palatial mansion. It was late anyways, and he should be going. He'd think about if he would meet Iida another time, preferably after getting a good night's rest, if he could even fall asleep in the first place.

He started heading back to Hosu. When he arrived, it was around two at night, and the apartment complex he lived in had all the lights shut off. Silently, he lit a small fire in the palm of his hand to light his way, knowing all the fire alarms in the building were broken.

He opened the door to his apartment, fire still glowing. Extinguishing it, he flicked on the lights, a soft yellow replacing the orange. He made his way to Akaguro's bedroom, peeking inside. It was empty.

Todoroki stood at the doorway for a minute. Without a sound, he checked all the other rooms. Empty.

Biting his lip, he went over to the crappy couch he hated but also loved very much, sat down, and pulled out a cookie from his bag. He started nibbling at it, wondering where Akaguro was.

He didn't think Akaguro had work or anything. He definitely wasn't shopping, and there was no way he'd go patrolling without Todoroki. He couldn't be. Because why would he leave the bi-color haired teen alone?

He wouldn't. Todoroki needed all the help he could get. He needed to stay side by side with Akaguro, because they were a duo and duos stick together. The only times they didn't go off together was when Todoroki was either sick or injured. So there was no way he would go off on his own.

But he was proven wrong. After taking off his eye-patch and wandering around the apartment and being unable to fall asleep, the door opened with a creak, and in came Akaguro in his Stain gear.

The first thing Todoroki felt was astonishment. Akaguro did leave, and did fight heroes by himself. The next he felt was anger, or perhaps betrayal.

"You went without me?" he said fiercely. "Why would you do that?"

"There's no reason I couldn't," Akaguro said, in a tone that was almost confused. "It was late and you still hadn't returned from that Iida boy's house. I don't see the issue."

Todoroki grit his teeth. "But why? I thought you're supposed to train me." 

"I am," Stain held firm, unwavering. "One day isn't going to hurt you."

"It won't hurt me, but it could help me," Todoroki hissed. "I want to hurry up and defeat my father already. Closer to getting there is going out there."

"So if you knew I was 'working,' then would you have met with Iida?" Akaguro questioned, causing Todoroki to flinch.

"Don't pull that card on me," he snapped. "And no, I would've just told you not to go."

He expected Akaguro to say something witty. Instead, the man backed down, shoulders slumping tiredly. "That's a good answer, kid." he said, as he went past Todoroki and into his bedroom.

Todoroki stood in place as the seconds ticked by, unsure of what he should've be feeling. His initial bitterness was replaced with confusion, then those two mixed into an even more confusing bunch.

Still, his anger didn't quell, and Todoroki went into his room, shoes pounding against the floor and frown etched across his face.


"I'm sure it's him. It fits your description, down to the boot," she said. "You said he came from Hosu, correct? How odd is it, that he'd come all the way from that city to Musutafu? Does he have nothing better to do in his free time?"

"That's certainly a possibility. But let's not focus on that for now. We're trying to protect your son to the best of our abilities."

"Yes, and I suppose that means watching all and any suspicious forces," she sighed. "Do think there's a possibility of Stain and his sidekick coming to Musutafu?"

"I doubt it. Rumor has it that Stain was just here this night in Hosu. Might move cities though, in time."

"I see," she said, sighing once more. "Well, just continue investigating 'Sho,' if that's even his name. Did you catch a last name, at least?"

"Nope. Unfortunately, without more knowledge, we can't exactly delve deeper into who he is. If he's an innocent person, then we'd only be invading his privacy."

She bit her lip. "True, but do the best you can anyways. I need my son to be protected as much as he can. Okay, Manuel?"

"Got that. I'll start now. See ya."



1414 words

A/N- i was gonna point out another inconsistency in my work but i legit forgot what it was.

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